Weight gain???

on 5/6/08 3:25 am

I am 4 years out and have regained 30 lbs. I started cutting calories and exercising but am not seeing any weight loss. I am getting about 1300-1500 calories a day and exercising about 6 days a week for three weeks now. Is this too many calories ? Could my metabolism be shot?  Should I cut my calories down to 1000 or below? I also heard that because of the extreme diet that I/we have been on that our thyroid could be malfunctioning or not functioning at all. Should I have that tested? Sheri 4 year  456/230/262

Pam T.
on 5/6/08 6:02 am - Saginaw, MI
Hi Sheri -  When is the last time you had all your labs drawn?  If it hasn't been recent, that's a good place to start.  Might as well get the thryoid checked so you can rule that out as an issue too. I hear many people say that they maintain on about 1200 calories per day.  But I wouldn't drop below that range, if I were you.   You'll also want to know what your nutrient balance is with those calories.  How many carbs/protein/fat and what percentage of each.  Make sure you're not overloading on carbs and fat and not getting enough protein.  Are you tracking your food intake on an online food journal like www.fitday.com? If not, give it a try and see where you stand with your exact intake.   Also make sure you're exercise has variety.  You should be doing both cardio (walking, running, swimming, etc.) and strength training like lifting weights.  This will help to burn fat AND build muscle. HTH Pam

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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave


on 5/7/08 12:32 am
Hi Pam, I had bloodwork in April but I don't think my thyroid was checked. I am going to check out fitday to try and track my food intake more closely. I alternate cardio and weights. Thanks so much. Sheri Start/Goal/ Current 456/230/262
H A.
on 5/7/08 1:25 am - NOR CAL, CA
I know when I up my exercise I don't see a loss right away and I'm still pretty early out. I would say keep up the exercise and maintain the calories where you are. Give it a bit more time. Your body might be adjusting to all this change. It's building muscle and holding water.

I just had a friend (non wls) start working with a trainer and for 3 weeks nothing, then a few pounds dropped. So what your are experiencing is normal (IMO)

I am more of the mind set to make small permanent changes and the weight loss will be easier to maintain. If you are eating 1000 calories that will be hard to maintain.

Slow and steady wins the race right?
on 5/7/08 9:22 pm, edited 5/7/08 9:23 pm - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Speak to your nutritionist, sit down with them and go over everything with them. You might not have a balance diet plan equal to your daily workouts. Fats/Carbs/ fiber and protein should be all balanced. you may be low in some area's in your diet. you may need to up your prtoein or carbs, because you workout 6 days a week. I suggest not cutting back on your calories. You need food for fuel to get you through your hard workouts ,so that you have enough enegry! If you cut back on your calories , you will not have the energy that you have now. Follow up with your nutritionist. good luck Lizzy

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