struggling with slow weightloss

Beth D.
on 5/2/08 5:48 am - Latrobe, PA
I had RNY on 1/4/08.  I began at 278 lbs.  As of today I am 4 months post op and have only lost 49 lbs.  I know everyone is different and not to compare but seriously how can i not.  i never see ANYONE who loses this slow.  What is even more frustrating is that i follow all the rules--protein first, 64oz + water, daily vits, and excercise at least 4 days a week (45 min cardio and 30-60 min free weights).  As a result all i ever lose in a week is 3 lbs--no more--and some weeks i stay the same or just lose 1 lb.  I lost more weight weekly when I dieted before and excercised without surgery.  The only possible thing i can think is that i am taking in too many calories.  I usually land around 1000 cal per day.  So, I am looking for any advice and guidance at this point. Thank you, Beth

on 5/2/08 6:29 am - Danvers, MA
For what it's worth, at 4 months post-op, I had lost 49.6 lbs. Not as much as some, but more than others. Losing 3 lbs. per week is actually really right on target. My follow-up program said they expected us to lose anywhere between 2 and 4 lbs. per week in the you're right there. It's not a'll get there if you keep doing what you're doing.

on 5/2/08 9:19 pm - Manton, MI
I am about 5 weeks? post op and I've lost 40lbs, pretty frustrating for me at times.. (even though I know that number is GREAT)  I guess we all expect this weight to just FALL off.. I have remind myself it took me TWENTY YEARS to put on, I need to be patient about it coming off. I think you're taking in too many calories though.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I was told by the NT to have 800-900 per day, that's INCLUDING my protein drinks.  I would talk to your doc and see if this is the problem or maybe it's something else?  There could be a medical condition as to why this is happening .. but again, I 'm not a doc and it's just speculation on my end.  But.. it never hurts to talk to your doc and explain what you just told us!! GOOD LUCK!! Annette
on 5/3/08 2:50 am - Wappingers Falls, NY
I'm only three weeks out so I am still adjusting myself but I have a couple of suggestions.  First, keep an eye on how much aspartame you are consuming.  Aspartame is a big culprit in most stalls.  I spent years doing Atkins and South Beach on and off and every stall I had could be attributed to aspartame.  I would get hooked on popsicles or Crystal Light periodically and then completely stall until I switched to Splenda or just plain water.  Second, use Fitday or another tracking program and plug in your daily food.  Your carbs should never be more than your protein.  Lastly,  buy some Ketone testing strips.  If your body is starting to burn fat again it will show you.   

                              Proud wife of a US MARINE

on 5/9/08 3:22 am - Inland Empire, CA
I lost that slow! Overall, in year I averaged about -10 lbs a month. At 4 months I had lost 53 lbs. I think it was just my screwed up metabolism due to my past YEARS of yo-yo dieting. I understand your frustration, it took me a year to lose 100 lbs when it seemed everyone around me lost that in 6 months! Good news is, I was still losing at 19 months out! Long after I thought possible. All I can say is make sure you keep doing everything right, get lots of exercise and don't compare yourself to others. Your success will come too. Looking back now I'm *almost* happy I lost slowly. It gave me a chance to really become accustomed to my good habits and make them feel like a part of me. I am also happy with my skin, I don't think it's as flabby as it could've been had I lost faster. hang in there, losing is losing!
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.....(it's ALL small stuff!)
5"5' Size 4/6
Denise W.
on 5/16/08 3:56 am - Rocklin, CA

Hi Beth,

I don't have any advice. I was actually happy to see your post so I am experiencing the same thing. I had surgery a couple days after you, and have experienced the same slow down. The first three months I dropped quite a bit, well over 10 lbs per month. In the last four weeks, it has dropped to 4 lbs. I knew things would slow down, but not go from 12-13lb loss to 4lb loss.

The sad thing is that I actually ADDED exercise to my regimen around that time. I don't know if that means I should up my calories to compensate, but I am getting really tired of gaining and losing the same pound over and over again.

If you hear of any good advice to get out of this, please let me know.

Good luck!

Highest 6/98:  289     1st consult 9/07:  260          5'11"
WLS 1/7/08:   234      Lowest 8/08:       164.5
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