Gas and Bloating

on 4/27/08 9:47 am - Trumbull, CT

Sorry to post such an unsavory topic but I am 4.5 years out and over the past year or so have developed a problem with gas and bloating. Sometimes I can look like I am pregnant by the end of the night and it is ususally gone by the next morning. Also, I have embarrassing gas, usually after dinner. I have been using probiotic pearls and they seem to help and sometimes I use digestive enzymes. Does anyone else have this problem and does it go away. I would expect this more in the beginning. Thanks, Maryann

Mama Bear
on 4/27/08 12:13 pm - Dallas Area, TX
On April 27, 2008 at 4:47 PM Pacific Time, MaryannC wrote:

Sorry to post such an unsavory topic but I am 4.5 years out and over the past year or so have developed a problem with gas and bloating. Sometimes I can look like I am pregnant by the end of the night and it is ususally gone by the next morning. Also, I have embarrassing gas, usually after dinner. I have been using probiotic pearls and they seem to help and sometimes I use digestive enzymes. Does anyone else have this problem and does it go away. I would expect this more in the beginning. Thanks, Maryann

Maryann, What is different about how you're eating? I replied to your other thread about hypoglycemia. I think this problem with bloating and gas is related, too. I have not been able to eat pastas or rice or any simple carbs since my surgery. It causes me to have terrible gas and bloating.  I've had to go practicaly gluten free and get back to eating more protein in my diet.  I have found a bread I can tolerate: Ezekiel 4:9® Organic Sprouted Whole Grain Products - -4-9.html . It's gluten and wheat free and I can tolerate it without my blood sugar reacting.  If you can, it might be worth visiting a nutritionist. I know, we have become experts about our status post RNY, but it really helped me get a plan and a strategy to get back to the basics after visiting with one recently.

Best Wishes!

"Don't Look Back - You're Not Going That Way! " -- Mary Engelbreit

on 4/28/08 2:19 am - Trumbull, CT

I agree that I need to get with a dietician. I go to a natural doc who had me on all kinds of whole grains, which dont spike my sugar but give me all the gas, etc. When I eat refined white carbs, I dont bloat but I get the sugar issues. I should go to my surgeons dietician but when I went 3 years ago there was a new one and she seemed to know nothing. I love ezekiel bread toasted. Sometimes it gives me heartburn but that is one my nat doc really likes. Thanks for your reply and best of luck to you!

Mama Bear
on 4/28/08 3:41 am, edited 4/28/08 3:48 am - Dallas Area, TX

I wasn't confident another dietitian would give me much more than I had already researched on my own. I was so lucky that my endocrinologist recommended one who is a bionutritionist and she specializes in WLS patients. That clicked for me. 

She not only has the "text book" knowledge, but she a research nutritionist and has participated in research that has identified the REASONS why we're experiencing the problems we are.

I have read everything I can about what's going on with me - and I have a good understanding about what I should and shouldn't be doing. My nutritionist confirmed a lot of what I already knew, she clarified some of my misconceptions and helped me understand WHY some of the things were happening to me. 

Understanding helped me format a strategy -- thats really what I needed. I'm only a week into my "new game plan" and it is working. If I don't drop the ball, I should be on the right track now.

I was afraid of adding a lot of fiber because I was already having issues with bloating and gas. The problem wasn't the fiber per se (as I've learned) but the way the sugars were breaking down in my intestine that caused gas.

One thing that has changed - I have started incorporating different complex carbs (still can't eat pasta or rice) but I can eat Kashi cereal and the Ezekial bread I mentioned before. I am still experimenting, but I've been able to incorporate these foods that are working for me to satisfy my hunger and level out my blood sugars better. I'm really looking at the glycemic index of foods and it's making a difference in my food choices. It's a work in progress, but I'm happy to feel better.

Best Wishes!

"Don't Look Back - You're Not Going That Way! " -- Mary Engelbreit

on 4/28/08 9:08 am - Trumbull, CT

You are really lucky to have hooked up with such a knowledgeable nutritionist, especially one who knows about WLS issues. I wish you the best and do keep me posted on how your new plan is working.


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