Low Blood Sugar

on 4/27/08 9:25 am - Trumbull, CT

Hello:  I am 4.5 years out and am having increased low blood sugar issues. I had issues before my bypass surgery for about 10 years. If I ate refined carbs alone I would get the shakes an hour or two later. Once I had the surgery it disappeared for a while but came back if I say, had a bagel or refined carbs on an empty stomach. After about an hour I would get the shakes so what I would do is eat some protein before or after to balance out. Lately though I have been having increased symptoms and at times when I am eating more balanced meals too. I read on line that this can happen to bypass patients due to the stomach emptying too quickly, which mine does.

Has anyone had these same issues and how do you treat them when you are a bypass patient?  Thanks! Maryann

on 4/27/08 10:46 pm - Burleson, TX
I had surgery last October and was or am a diabetic.  I have slowly been weaning myself off my metformin, but I have had 2 bouts with very low blood sugar.  Once it was 59 and the last time it got down to 46 and it seems to happen if I eat bad carbs.  I went to the doctor about this and his answer was "You used to weight 274 and your body has not caught up with your weight loss yet, so when you eat bad carbs your blood sugar raises so your body says she weighs 274 so I need to put out 3 units of insulin to bring down the sugar, so when it releases 3 units because of the weight loss that is too much and the sugar drops".  I was told to stay away from bad carbs (which I should anyway****il my pancreas catches up to the weight loss.  Hope this helps




on 4/28/08 2:14 am - Trumbull, CT
Thanks and good luck to you. My sugar has dropped to 4o and lower. Crazy!
on 5/2/08 1:36 am - Steelville, MO
Hi Maryann, I had low blood sugar before my RNY and controlled it with diet.  No sweets, watched my carbs etc.  I had my surgery April 07 and I started experimenting and found that I could eat  like 1/2 brownie or 1/3 candy bar.  But lately I have been having the shakes and didn't know why until I read your post.  Some mornings I have been having a mini bagel so maybe that was the reason.  Thanks for the post.

on 5/2/08 5:31 am - Trumbull, CT
I would say the bagel is definately the culprit. I used to get that with bagels both before and after my surgery. Now it seems to be getting worse but I know I need to crack down on what I eat. Thanks to you and good luck!
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