Help, I need to regian #10

on 4/26/08 4:10 am - Alexander, AR
I'm 19 months post rny and have been having stomach "issues" since February. The doctors thought it was a ruptured ovarian cyst.  I lost 12 lbs in Feb( already at goal, holding steady at 128 for four months)and  stayed there until I had my gallbladder removed this last week. During that surgery, my doctor found not only an internal hernia, but an ischemic (sp) small bowel.  He repaired all of that, and "adjusted" my rny so I will malabsorb less. He also told me I will no longer dump, not that I ever did, but the adjustment will keep that from happening. My question is this:  How do I regain some of this weight back? Of course, I could head to the local Burger King, but after finally achieving a normal weight for once in my life, I want to do this in the healthiest way I can.  I 53, 5'3" and weighed 114.4 this a.m. I still have to baby my pouch with no raw fruits or veggies, and of course, no nuts or denser meats.  Can you please give me some suggestions?  I'm really not comfortable at this weight. Thank you in advance



(deactivated member)
on 4/27/08 11:33 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

Sounds like you are looking for healthy ways to add calories to your daily food intake.  If you're eating no-fat or low-fat dairy, can you switch to regular full-fat products?  (Might not be a good choice if you have high cholesterol...)  Are you doing any protein shakes?  If not, that might be a good way to add some healthy calories to your daily intake.  If you're already doing shakes, can you look for a more nutrient-dense shake (like the Boost or Ensure for folks *****ally need to gain some weight)?  If you can tolerate fish, salmon is a great source of protein, higher in calories than some other fish, and it's quite as dense as chicken or beef.   Also, can you add some healthy snacks to your daily food plan?  You don't mention whether you're eating multiple small meals throughout the day, or 3 regular meals with one or two small snacks.  I know many folks try to avoid snacking/grazing type behaviors because it can lead to long-term unintended gains.  But if you're mindful about what you're doing and keeping track so you don't regain too much, healthy well-planned snacks may help you regain to a point where you are comfortable.   Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie

on 4/28/08 12:24 am - Alexander, AR
Kelly, Thank you so much for responding to my question.  I have already switched to full fat milk for my daily lattes (at least two), and yes, I am eating at least 5 times a day. I try so very hard to make them planned meals and not let it turn to grazing, but I admit that I honestly feel that I'm either eating or drinking calories all day long!  I long for the day that I can go back to a more regimented eating plan. I'm a hairdresser in a very busy salon and have a  hard time planning my snacks, although I do make sure to make time for lunch. I have been drinking Muscle Milk, but really don't care for the taste. Maybe I'll try some ensure or boost. Thank you again,



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