Double Milk ?
I've read some articles about the general health benefits of consuming low-fat/no-fat dairy products, so perhaps that's part of what's driving this advice. Also, doing the "double milk" may be less expensive than some of the protein drinks and in today's economy, the cost may make a difference for some folks. Plus some people have a hard time finding protein drinks that they like and can drink on a regular basis. So again, the "double milk" may be a good option for those folks. Also, not every WLS patient is required to eat a low-carb diet; it depends on their surgeon's recommendations. Granted, we're encouraged to eat good carbs (fruits, veggies, whole grains, brown rice, legumes, etc.), but some of us were not required to go low carb. I get about 50% of my daily calories from carbs, 25% from fat, 25% from protein and I'm maintaining a 210 pound loss. Anyway, just wanted to chime in and offer a reminder that different things work for different people, so for some folks this might be a good option. Good luck on your continuing journey - Kellie