Portion sizes

on 4/10/08 1:18 pm - Houston, TX
I am about 8 months post-op and haven't weighed myself since 6 months post-op, but I haven't changed sizes since then. At 6 months I'd lost 86 lbs, when I wanted to lose 100lbs.

My primary question is at this stage, how much food should I be able to eat? I'm worried that I've stretched my pouch out; I know that sometimes I drink too closely to meals, and I've also eaten past fullness a few times. Is that enough to stretch it, and if so how much? I'm going to do the 5 day pouch test to re-connect my mind with my stomach, but I'd like to know how off-track I am now. I know the important thing is just to get back on track, but feeling like I've entirely messed up everything is not helpful!
on 4/10/08 1:57 pm - AR
At my 6 month post-op visit, my surgeon increased my daily caloric goal to 1000 and my "meal" sizes from 6 tablespoons to 8 tablespoons.  So I try to always ingest 8 tablespoons now (8 tablespoons = 24 teaspoons = 1/2 cup which is plenty). 
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