pre op weight loss

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/08 8:32 am - east falmouth, MA
Hi...I am wondering about pre op dieting, the bmi numbers and insurance company rules.  My situation is that if I cannot arrange for the surgery to happen by mid june ( which apparently might not be possible) I will have to wait until November.  I am self employed and not able to get any recovery time this summer after june...  My other issue is that my work is pretty physical and My body is getting really painful ( hips and knees...)   I feel like no matter if I get the surgery or not I need to diet and dump some weight just to keep my knees in working order.   I am able to diet and loose up to 30 pounds pretty much whenever I need to...but that is all and it never stays off... My present BMI is 45.2...So I certainly qualify for surgery.   My question is that if I loose weight before the surgery will that put my insurance qualifications on hold?  It all looks like a rock and a hard place right now.   When is your starting weight taken..I am presently down 20 lbs from my all time high ...though 5 years ago I managed to loose 50 lbs.... 30 lbs of which are back.   My body just does not agree with me on how much it wants to weigh!!! I honestly feel so ready, resigned and relieved that I will be getting this help that food is not even particularly a big deal to me right now...If I just go on the protein shakes and little meal deal will the insurance approval people pull the rug out from under me?   I have been obese my whole life...just a few loss periosd where I might qualify as severly overweight rather than obese.  Yes ...I can see this makes very little sence...hope you get the jist of what I am asking...Thanks
on 4/6/08 4:37 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Insurance companies are sneaky. So, they may see that you are able to lose weight on your own & deny your surgery. They will try everything they can to deny your surgery or delay it. However, if you have diabetes or hypertension, you technically still qualify at BMI of 35. I would recommend weight loss before surgery. It makes the surgery so much easier for you & your surgeon. Losing 10% of your body weight would be a good goal. However, I would run this question by the person in your surgeon's office that applies for the insurance approval. Usually an office manager or someone like that. They would be able to give you more information. I hear all the insurance things second-hand since I am not the person *****quests approval for patients. Good luck!!!
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
(deactivated member)
on 4/6/08 4:50 am - east falmouth, MA
Hi Thanks for answering..I have both hypertension and apea.  I will see the doc on Monday and check with their insurance coordinator...I am pretty sure it will be ok.   thanks again..Sue
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