Any other high protein drinks?

Kim T.
on 4/2/08 7:53 am - Joliet, IL
I'm a newbe to the site so sorry if this has been asked before.... my RNY doctor is really into bariatirc products made by Novartis Pharmaceuticals.  I'm okay with the protein powder (BeneProtein) but really do not like their high protein drink, Optisource.  Its too sweet and because its thick it leaves a nasty coating on my tongue.  Plus it only comes in two flavors.... caramel and strawberry.  I'm wondering what other doctor's are suggesting during the liquid phase of recovery.  Thanks, K 
Dave Chambers
on 4/3/08 1:00 am - Mira Loma, CA
There are many protein sources out there, besides the one from your doctor. I use the Isopure shakes that come in 4-5 flavors from GNC or online sources.  I use a Magic Bullet to mix these.  Isopure also has a ready made drink, but I find all of those flavors awful. Some women get the protein "bullets" made by IDS or some sold by GNC. These come in mulitple flavors too, but usually about 42 grams per bullet. Too much for one serving. I've spoken to several women who use these at support meetings, and they tell me what they do: they pour half of the protein bullet into an empty water bottle, add water to fill the bottle, and then add some crystal lite in a like flavor to make it drinkable. I guess some of the flavors are not suited to their taste, so they add the crystal lite to make them tolearable.

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
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Kim T.
on 4/3/08 2:09 am - Joliet, IL
Thanks for the info.  Looks like I'll be stopping by the local GNC to see what they have.  I also hear they have a good liquid vitamine that's easier to use than the huge chewables my dr. is suggesting.
Dave Chambers
on 4/4/08 12:22 am - Mira Loma, CA
Forgot to mention, and they have whey protein and calcium citrate powders you can buy in bulk.  The whey isn't flavored, so you can add SF flavors or berries, etc. to flavor to taste. I plan on ordering from this place in a week or two.

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

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