Starvation mode -- is it real?

Karen P.
on 4/1/08 6:05 am - Coral Springs, fl
I am nearly four years out and desperately trying to not regain.  I only got to within 10 pounds of my goal and have regained 8 pounds. I am being very strict and trying to hold to an 1,100 calorie diet and running nearly every day.  Still, I can't lose anything.  I've been told that I need to eat 1,800!! calories or my body will go into 'starvation mode' and hold onto it's own fat.  I have been told this my whole life and have always had trouble believing it.  Now that I have had WLS, I really don't believe this whole 'starvation' explaination, after all isn't WLS the ultimate starvation diet?  The first four months or so I barely ate anything and lost 55 pounds. How can you explain the weight loss after wls relative to what is standardly said about starvation effects? Thanks! Karen
on 4/1/08 6:54 am - Hialeah, FL
Hi Karen, FANTASTIC, AWESOME QUESTION!  I don't have an answer for you, but I always wondered the same thing!  I was also 10 lbs away from goal, but I've gained 15 lbs & I 've had the hardest time taking it off.  Let's hope we get back some good responses... maggie
on 4/1/08 12:41 pm - Danville, IN
I am wondering that too! How many calories should we be eating to continue losing at 2-4 years out? I have never reached my goal either, stopped about 25 pounds shy, and now have regained ten. Hope they really are watching this forum and give us some answers here! Im desperate! Blessings Betsy
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

(deactivated member)
on 4/1/08 2:18 pm
This question has been asked three times in the last 4 months the nutritionists said they would answer but have not.  Maybe 3 times the charm.  It would be nice to have some of these questions answered .  Jan
on 4/2/08 6:47 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Jan, check the archives. Yes, we did answer this. I posted on this back in January. Here's the link:,5389/cat_id,4989/topic_id,3502766/a,messageboard/action,replies/#27432646 Sara
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
(deactivated member)
on 4/4/08 2:14 pm
My bad, you did give an answer, so basically "starvation mode"  is like "the 30 grams is all we can absorb at one setting"  question.  Part truth part myth no one can definitely give an answer yet.  Jan
on 4/5/08 6:04 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Unfortunately, looks like that's the case. Plus, I think it's different for everyone, there doesn't seem to be hard science behind it.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
(deactivated member)
on 4/2/08 1:57 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I cannot attest to the accuracy of this information, as I do not have time to double check the sources, but here's a link to an online compilation of information related to "starvation mode."  I hope this helps answer some of your questions and/or that the OH nutritionists decide to chime in (or give us a link to a post where they've answered this question in the past, because I suspect that's so). Kellie
on 4/2/08 11:42 pm - Hialeah, FL
Good morning all, Karen, I forwarded your question to my nut & this is what she wrote back:  "body compensates and there's increased absorption...compound with aging factor, decreased metabolism and we all gain weight as we age" maggie

on 4/5/08 10:39 am - Cedar Hill, TX
Hi Karen, I am not a doctor, so let me clarify that first, I am however 5 yr Post-op, and I was experiencing the same thing at one time, and my expierence has been to eat some thing good.  Yes a junky good meal, like restaurant food.  That's junky to me cause I try to avoid resturant unless it's like Super Salad etc...that you can handle w/o dumping two days in a row if you can.  This will get you over 1400 or 1500 calories mark in your daily food intake.  Restaurant food is loaded with calories and high carbs. I still can not consume over that amount in a day psychologically I just won't feel right.  Then I would go back to my Smart Ones and excercizes, cause I run also, OK mostly brisk walk 40 min 4 to 5 days  a week.  Then the  following week Boom, I would lost 4 pounds.  I don't know why, but I do know that when my body goes into that "Starvation mode", I give it food and work if off.   Not saying you need to try, but this is what I do and I have kept off 140 pds. T. Walker
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