Anyone use power gels or anything like that??

on 4/1/08 3:51 am - VA

I just recently started cycling with my husband and was wondering if anyone that runs or cycles uses power gels or anything else like that. He wants me to give some of them a try but said maybe I should post here and see if you guys have tried any of them. I tried drinking my protein shake today after our an hour after and I couldn't get it down. We did nearly 20 miles today (which is a HUGE deal for me). Thanks in advance....

Never Give Up!
on 4/1/08 12:53 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Heh heh.  Funny you should ask.   I've been discussing at length the topic of nutrition for long distance endurance racing with some guys in my local triathlon club.  I did take gels on my training runs and for the actual marathon that I ran at the end of February as well as a Quarter Ironman triathlon that I did over the weekend.  

During the marathon I experienced a combination of dumping and total exhaustion just after mile 18 which I am sure some can be attributed to the GU carb gel packs.   During the triathlon over the weekend I spent close to 37 minutes in the port-o-johns during the run because of a combination of carb gel packs, energy jelly beans and Cliff Shot Bloks.   Since there are currently no products targeted towards bariatric post-op patients I'm really going to need to find a product or a happy medium that I can tolerate.  I'm planning on doing a full Ironman in 11 months and it will be absolutely necessary to take in at least 120 calories per hour on the course.  

You can read about my experience with GU gel packs at the marathon at the following link:

And also about the nutrition problems over the weekend at the triathlon at the following link:

Wish I had better news.  If you find something that works for you pass it on.  At this point I'm willing to try just about anything.



on 4/1/08 11:35 pm - VA
WOW Chad you look amazing!! Thanks so much for your help. I can't even imagine experiencing dumping while in a race...I just totally bonk out and have to lie down.  CONGRATULATIONS on your wonderful accomplishments. PLEASE post and let us know how the Ironman goes. Thanks again, Jamie
Never Give Up!
on 4/1/08 10:43 pm - Jersey Shore, PA
From my experience and from what I've read, the "power gels" aren't really necessary for shorter rides, etc.  Twenty miles is relatively short duration.  You would be better off just drinking plain liquids and maybe eating some protein before your exercise.  Pre-exercise intake should consist of a bit of protein and slower burning carbs.  For multi-hopur exercise then you may need a bit more carbs as well as some protein.  They do make gels that contain some protein but I'm not sure who makes tham or their nutritional profile.  Short story long, I wouldn't bother with them in your case.

September 2006...415 lbs.
April 12, lbs.    Goal...210     Current...181

on 4/1/08 11:32 pm - VA
Hubby said to ask about Cytomax, he drinks it and was wondering if I could. He said he is worried about me losing electrolytes (sp?) while cycling. So far I've done fine with just the plain water. I'm not really into all that fancy cycling stuff but to appease him I'm asking... Thanks......
Never Give Up!
on 4/2/08 1:36 am - Jersey Shore, PA
Again, from what I've read you don't lose that much for shorter duration exercise.  Will it hurt?  No, but you do have to buy it.  Water would be just fine.  On longer rides you may want to use a no or low cal replacement drink.  Unless it's really hot out or the humididty is high I wold stick to water and the eating reecommendations I stated previously.  I got into longer rides last summer and found that eating too much slowed me down.  The gels didn't really help that much either.  Many of them also have caffeine which is what really perks you up and that can be diuretic.

September 2006...415 lbs.
April 12, lbs.    Goal...210     Current...181

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