soy free shakes needed

Brenda Nutt
on 3/27/08 7:44 am - Harrison, AR

I'm new, but getting my feet wet....  I do not need to have any soy in my there a protein shake that does not have soy or lecithin ingredients in it?  When I google 'soy free' it gives me shakes WITH soy...aurgh!  Just wondered if any one knew of any shakes that I could have safely.  I mean I can have a scant amount, but the lower the better is best for me-


on 3/27/08 8:17 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hello i understand what you are going i researched until i was going crazy. it all paid because i found a good protein that i can have :-) i do not eat soy either. Soy is so unhealthy... if eaten in large amounts and every single day! i was a vegan and ate all soy foods. beause i couldn't eat meats. they didn't sit well in my stomach i developed a bad reaction to soy foods. and i can't eat it at all anymore. i have a soy free diet now .  i am now on a detox diet.... and i am staying FAR away from Soy foods.. So all this week i googled and googled until i found a Soy-Free Non-GMO - protein powder i found 2 protein powders that i am going to buy and try. Click here and this protein ( CLICK HERE ) - you can buy at The Vitamin Shoppe For your other foods you can buy them at Trader Joe's or at your health food store. good luck to you :-) hugss Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

Brenda Nutt
on 3/27/08 2:38 pm - Harrison, AR

Oh Thank You a million times over!!!!!!!  I will google these tomorrow and see where I can buy them!  If you get them delivered first, let me know what you think on the taste.  I'm am having surgery April 28th, have you have your's yet?

Thank you so much for sharing this information with me.

Brenda Nutt

on 3/28/08 7:23 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hi Brenda, last night i made a shake with my brown rice protein. and i gotta say it wasn't bad. i really liked it. it's an excellent way to boost up your protein level without NON-GMO Soy Protein! Oh Brenda................i found another protein powder ... LOL .. i am on a roll here.... i haven't desided yet which protein i will try next......  the pea protein or this protein - Click here ( which I found today! ) Just pick one and try it. and let me know how you liked them Please stay intouch we can exchange ideas on our diets. If I find any products that i really love, i will pass it on to you. :-) i had my surgery June 8, 2004. I lost  -155 lbs. I wear a size 4-6 in pants/jeans/dresses and a xsmall/small in shirts. i can't imagine i would ever be in those size's!  Thats like a dream come true!!  i am loving life :-) its been a great experience. I learned how to eat correctly and properly. and i enjoy my foods so much better. I eat every 2-3 hours ( 6 small meals a day ) and i never skip my meals. I am never hungry whatsoever. I don't have an appetite. Infact i need to force myself to eat..because i exercise alot and I eat on schedule, that helps keeps your hunger down. So remember those 2 things do really help   ... eat on schedule and exercise! :-) and of course take your vitamins and drink your water ..every single day! if you have any other questions , please feel free to email me anytime. i will do my best to help you out with anything you need help with. Best wishes to you on your up coming surgery. hugss Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

Dave Chambers
on 3/28/08 12:42 am - Mira Loma, CA
Whey protein shakes are available almost everywhere. Put whey protein shakes into google. I use the IsoPure whey protein shakes from GNC or Rite Aid drug stores, also available online.  Whey is the better protein for digestion for WLS patients also.

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

Brenda Nutt
on 3/28/08 1:25 pm - Harrison, AR
Hey Dave- I wonder if IsoPure has a soy free protein shake?  I'll look it up online.  I know of several wonderful brands, but before I start buying them, I'm trying to see if I can find some that are soy free.  Someone told me about 3 so far-  Actually Dave, from what I have learned over the past couple of days, I don't think any of these common shakes have enough soy in them to hurt me.  (I have a medical issue with soy)  I have sure had to study on these shakes a lot.  Bought myself a Magic Bullet at Wal Mart tonight.  I hope I like it.  My shakes start April 1st.  I am only required to do two weeks of them, but I am doing 4 weeks of them because I'd feel better if I lost about 10 pounds before my surgery.  Lots of people have recomended IsoPure to me, it must be a really good one- thanks Dave!
Dave Chambers
on 3/28/08 1:40 pm - Mira Loma, CA
Isopure is readily available at GNC stores or Rite Aid drug stores in southern CA. None of them are very cheap. The best way to know exactly what's in them is to read the nutrional facts on the label and the igredients.  Isopure is labelled as whey protein, so I'm thinking there would be no soy in it. Here is a link to the chocolate Isopure from GNC website: =1&origkw=isopure+whey+protein&kw=isopure+whey+protein&paren tPage=search 

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

Pam T.
on 3/30/08 12:06 am, edited 3/30/08 12:07 am - Saginaw, MI
Brenda - After RNY the best form of protein is Whey Isolate Protein.  This is a product of milk, not soybeans.  So you shouldn't have any problem whatsoever finding a protein powder that does not contain soy. The best way to find a protein powder that tastes good to you is to try a variety of samples.  After surgery your tastes will change so what you think you like now might not work after surgery.  There are several places locally and online that you can get samples to try out.  I have a list of resources listed in my profile, if you're interested.  Don't buy big jars of protein powder based on someone's recommendation of what they like --- there are so many different kinds that its very common to have to try 2 dozen different brands/flavors before you find 1 you'll love enough to buy a whole jar of.  I can tell you what tastes good to me, but it probably wouldn't work for you.  And vice versa.  I lived on samples for the first 6 weeks after surgery.  Pam

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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave


Brenda Nutt
on 3/30/08 2:25 pm - Harrison, AR

This is what I got today, Gold Standard 100% Whey, val and choc

Citracal Creamy bites - 3 boxes since I know they are not on the market anymore. (I checked and the expiration dates are still good)

B-12 dots (cherry) I'll take these daily along with the monthly shots.

Centrum Chewables...but I found where I could order Optisource, so I'll order that tomorrow, (our local WalGreens does not have it-)   I'll just take the Chentrum pre-surgery so I don't have to return them to the store, I just hate doing that!

Have not found my B-100 containing 100mg or Thiamine in a chewable or liquid yet......


And I want to get some Biotin because I hear that is good for your hair, I have terribly thin hair in the front I want to start these right away too.

I will start taking all this Tuesday April 1st.....  my official all liquid starts April 14th, but I want to do a couple extra weeks.  I've had way too much 'last meal- you better eat this now!' emotion and mind set as of it will almost be a relief to go liquid.


Good night!

Brenda (ps-love your blog!)


on 3/30/08 1:11 am, edited 3/30/08 1:16 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hi Brenda, You said:   you are allergic to Soy , right ? Then i strongly suggest you - NOT TO BUY  that protein powder that Dave gave you on GNC website. I just researched the protein powder The website that Dave gave you on the Protein powder has SOY ! You need to buy a protein powder that is 100% whey protein isolate which is lactose free and is hypo-allergenic ! I wasn't allergic to soy until recently..... now i need to stay away from it. i've researched a lot on this topic, so i know what protein powders are BEST for people who do need to stay away from SOY and are very allegic to Soy products. up above in my first and second posts to you are the protein powders which are best for us to use. you need to be VERY careful and cautions when you do buy protein powders. there are so many HIDDEN WORDS for SOY! just to name a few that you do need to stay away from. if it is listed on the product as  flavorings ,hydrolyzed plant protein , hydrolyzed vegetable protein ,natural flavoring,vegetable broth , vegetable gum ,vegetable starch soy protein isolate ,soy protein concentrate , hydrolyzed soy protein ,Hydrolyzed Whey protein , hydrolyzed vegetable protein, isolated soy protein, soy protein concentrate, textured soy protein, vegetable protein, soy meal, soy flour, textured soy flour, and tofu, amino acid (methionine ) -Most soy protein powders are fortified with this amino acid. making it complete. beans - legume. Soy beans belong to the legume family . Other foods in the legume family are navy, kidney, string, black, and pinto beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), lentils, carob, licorice, and peanuts. Spirulina Soy Protein Drinks, nitrogen - (causes water retention which is in most protein powders ), MSG, Maltodextrin, Wheat, Corn, Yeast, Dairy products, any words that say: filter. listed. ( stay away from) read your labels careful. i found 2 protein powders that is another protein powder for us to use. Click here and Here before using any protein powders i do suggest you to bring it into your surgeon/ primary Dr and nutritionist and have them all look at, it to see if it is alright for you to use. you can do research online and read labels you can also go here please be careful on choosing the protein powders. do more research before you go out and buy protein powders. Only buy protein powders that say on the label FREE OF -  Non-GMO, SOY-FREE and are 100% whey protein isolate and is lactose free and is hypo-allergenic ! My best advise to you is to stay on a organic diet and eat organic foods and protein powders.   ( Organic Brown Rice protein powders are safe for people who are allergic of Soy! ) READ ALL LABELS -   it will say Contains: ( whatever it is ) if it says any of the words i mention up above in the list. then - stay away from that protein powder. best wishes to you hugs Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

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