Ulcers, anyone?!!!
I need a little dietary assistance. I am approximately 16 mos post op from Lap RNY and am down 118 lbs. I have not lost any weight in approximately 5 mos. Since my surgery, I seem to be lactose and egg intolerant. I can eat small doses of egg in other things, like tuna salad, but not by themselves.
My issue... In April of 2007, I was diagnosed with two large H. pylori ulcers. They were treated and healed. This past Friday, followed by 3 wks of stomach upset and a week of intense stomach pain, I found myself admitted into the hospital for emergency scoping and testing. The result: a non-H. pylori ulcer covering almost the entire inside of my stoma and going down into my duodenum. The doctor has put me on a new medicine regime and instructed me that he wants to rescope in 6 weeks and biopsy for cancer. He says this ulcer seems to be NSAID produced (although I take nothing stronger than tylenol and an occassional 1/2 vicodin for back pain).
Now, I just don't know what to eat. Almost everything I eat seems to cause me discomfort. I have thought about going back to the basics, but I don't think I remember how. Any suggestions or dietary recommendations? All my doc said, was no alcohol, tobacco, caffiene or spicy foods!
Thank you,
Tonette Powers
Are you taking any meds like Pepcid or Prevacid? You will likely need an acid blocker. Many RNY people take them from day 1 after surgery as ulcers are not terribly uncommon. As far as foods, the foods your doc listed are good suggestions to prevent pain & irritation, but won't PREVENT ulcers. The meds will do that. Good luck.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Registered Dietitian
Thank you for the information. I am currently on Carafate, Cytotec and Nexium. No one warned me prior to surgery about the high probability of ulcers. I guess I need to know what to expect going forward. Will I NEVER again be able to eat spicy foods, have a glass of wine, or drink coffee again? I knew about the no sugar, no breads, no junk food, no fat, but this was really unexpected.
Thanks again,