having a really difficult time

on 3/15/08 7:05 am - CA
So I am now almost 8 months out and I'm having a horrible time with my food. I have lost about 93 lbs which I am very happy about but I'm really worried about my "relationship" with food. Obviously, this has always been a problem for me or I never would have needed surgery. I was doing pretty well for the first 6 months or so but the past 2 months have been bad. I have found out that I don't really dump on sugar. I can eat chocolate and candy and drink soda. I started eating pizza, taco bell, and in n' out again. I obviously can't eat anywhere as much as I use to but I still put it down. And even though I don't get hungry, I keep eating. Maybe I can only eat one piece of pizza at a time but I'll just wait a bit and eat more a half hour later (and so on and so on). I live alone and have always hated grocery shopping. I don't mind cooking but I have a REALLY busy schedule and kinda hate cooking for myself. I've never been real creative with food either so even if I do go to the store, I have a limited amount of ideas on what to buy and prepare. I had my surgery in L.A. so I could stay with my family after. Now I am back in the Bay Area so I had to find a new doc. My insurance won't cover a nut and they are $200 out of pocket through the Bariatric Surgery center up here. I really feel like I need some guidance but I don't know where to turn. My new doc was really not helpful and just told me to go to the nut. I would like to find a therapist but I want someone who understands gastric bypass and I don't know how to find that person. Does anyone have any ideas for me? I feel like I'm still stuck in the same old bad behaviors and I feel terrible about it. I went through all this stuff and it feels like my "eating disorder" is still here.

Alli D
Starting weight: 320 lbs
3 months out: 257

on 3/15/08 9:52 am - Olympia, WA
I'm sorry you're having such a rough time.  Can you call the local bariatric surgery center and see if they have any recommendations on a therapist?  Or maybe your original surgeon's office has connections and could recommend someone in your area.  I'm sorry your new doc isn't very helpful.  That's not right.  But maybe his office staff could recommend someone for you to see.  I think you're on the right track asking for help.  I was seeing someone before surgery because of food issues and I've called her a couple times since my surgery to talk through food issues and it's really helped me.  I wish you the best! 

Highest 323 / Surgery Day 289 / Current 165 - RNY 10-27-07, Hit Goal 08-18-08. Tummy tuck 10-28-09 - UW Plastic Surgery Residency Ctr, Breast/Arm Lift w/Dr. Sepehr Egrari in Bellevue, WA on 5-22-13!

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.  Unknown

on 3/16/08 2:31 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hello, and you are on the right start by asking for help. But for the most part you are going to have to get tough willed and say no. If you dont over the long course of the bad habits again the weight will come back. you have to say no and find other things to do and stay away from the food. I just tell myself no and back off, its hard because you say just one more but one more will add up to those pounds and you have come too far. We all hear you and know how the struggle comes with this surgery. its only a tool and we have to work at it for life. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope you get the help you desire, i know it is very hard work. Take Care, Kimmee
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