always hungry

on 3/10/08 3:57 pm - Lancaster, CA
im about a year and 4 months out... i feel like im always hungry!!!! i try to eat healthy snacks but im affraid my pouch is gone and im back to my reg stomache... im freaking out. any suggestions?
on 3/11/08 10:24 am - manchester, NJ
maybe you need to do the 5 day pouch test.  lots of people do that to kinda get started again. if you go to the wls grads board there has been quite a bit of dicsussion about that in the last few weeks. good luck dont give up the ship!!! p.s.  are you drinking all your water and eating enough protein?? as we get further out, we all forget a bit. take care, jacki



on 3/12/08 1:59 pm - Loveland, OH
I am 7 years out and have gained back half my weight. I just had a upper GI series done yesterday to find out why I am gaining weight and why I am always hungery. My Stoma (they exit to my pouch) is dialated to the size of my intestine and so the food never stays in my stomach it goes in one side and out the other. I am meeting with my Dr Friday to descuss revisions and fixing the stoma. From what I understand it was from where I had to drink when I ate instead of waiting the 45minutes required b4 and after each meal . I had back to back pregnancies that were high risk and I was forced to eat and drink every hour to maintain nutrition for the babies and me. But check with your Dr if you are worried about your hunger I went from 0 to all ways hungry but didnot get it checked on right away and so I am paying for it with weight gain now. Dr says earlier caught easier fix.
on 3/12/08 4:36 pm - Lancaster, CA
lord that makes me nervous cuz i know we shouldnt but i always drink when i eat... i just have to its a habbit i always did befor like 8 glasses or tea or water now i have 1 but i know i shouldnt...  im so affraid of failure but i made myself a faliure. i havent gained any weight back but do you think its to late or u think my stomach has already broke? o god!
on 3/13/08 12:37 pm - Loveland, OH
Its its not the same as the stomach breaking it is the exit to the stomach called the stoma that dialates it conects your pouch to your intestine. My Dr said earlier caught easier fix.  Best to check with your Dr if your hungry all the time. so you can avoid the extensive damage mine is at. I attended a nutrition class today and was told I have to go back to month 2 of soft foods and liquids until my corrective surgery and lots of protien powder. Good luck.
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