constipation or bowel obstruction
I have been constipated before.Once really bad almost to the point of getting help.This week I had a problem that I dont think is simple constipation.It would take a long time to describe all the details and the what and whys.But all I need to know is how can you tell the difference between constipation and bowel obstruction.I have NO medical insurance at all so I cant get checked out or even ask a dr.The only thing I can do is if it becomes a life or death thing get help but until then my options are limited.
I have had both problems but I am really starting to think I have an obstruction.Is it true that if it is you dont go at all period? Can you have one and go a period of time and be ok?What are the symptoms of it being serious enough to seek treatment with no insurance.I know that sounds like a no brainer but I am not sure and have no one to ask.I am on disability and have little/no money so I couldnt take vitamins for almost 6 months and could only afford 1 week a month of shakes.I literally make 30 some dollars too much for medicaid and food stamps and every cent of my checks go to bills.I tried looking for fiber supplements but not sure what to take.After my first bout early on my nutritionist suggested those fiber cookie wafer things.I looked last night and the number seem low.I will be the first to admit I did little research on vitamin needs post op.I never thought I would be in a situation I couldnt get the special surgery ones or have insurance for the dr to tell me what to do.
Here are the symptoms my modesty will allow to admit.I didnt go for over a week but had no urge.I got sick very suddenly bodily last sunday which I know is because I am dehydrated.I have been put in a few times for that so I know the symptoms.Some symptoms were consistent with being dry but others not.I also thought my accumulated deficiencies were to the point it got bad.I started feeling better.The other day I got severe pain and had urge but could not go.The pain was excruciating at times but not where you think.It was inches upward.I often kid it was where my intestine was cut.After 3 exlax pills I finally went but was still in pain internally for 2 days.I have not gone since then.Again no urge.I do have occasional stabs of pain.I can say when it was at its worst the only time I got relief during a 'wave' was bending over double while sitting sort of or laying.I feel much better than sunday from those physical complaints but some of the 2nd problem remain.I also am always below normal.My body temp is usually 97.It has been near or over 99 all week.
Which fiber supplement does anyone think would help me?What number per serving to look for.
Another problem.I am leaving thurs for a 2 week trip across the country.It is a dream being provided by my best friend and her husband.Its something I could never afford a plane ticket and never thought I would be able to go.In the end it will cost me almost nothing.The ticket is bought and I have to go.It sounds insane but I will let nothing risk this.What can I do to make this happen and clear up by then.What can I take if exlax doesnt work or not well enough.It took a long time.I have heard prune juice but have never had it.Does it work THAT good?
Sorry to babble but I am in a time crunch,getting worried and have no one to ask.
Dehydration can cause constipation. If you are having bowel movements, you are likely not obstructed. Other symptoms of obstruction are distended abdomen. Are you distended? Some people can also have vomiting (depending on where the obstruction is). Some people have adhesions (scar tissue of the intestines) - they can stick together and cause an obstruction - they can also open up themselves. So, it's possible you have an obstruction, but as for what you're describing, I think you may be constipated due to dehydration. Drink MORE FLUID! Water is practically free & can do your body a world of good. Get the minimum of 64 oz in each day. Keep yourself hydrated is the first step in taking care of yourself. Taking your vitamins & eating healthy is next. Someone in your financially situation can not afford not to take care of themselves. Do you have post-op eating plan? You must follow it. You are also taking a big chance being without insurance and being post-op WLS. If you are employed, have you discussed the health insurance options with your employer? How did you have health insurance prior to surgery? How can you get yourself on Medicaid? Is there any other health insurance programs available? In California we also have something called MSI for those who are having financial hardship but don't qualify for Medicaid. Good luck ---
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Registered Dietitian
The flare up i was talking about I was distended.After I was not.I have not vomited.During the week though anything I ate or drank did make me feel sick.That has gone away.I have doubled what I was able to drink but havent seen many changes.In the last few days alone I have drank 3 times what I was.I have not gone since then though and have no urge.Earlier today I did have some minor pains again.Nothing compared to what it was so either I will soon or I am backed up again to that point.
I am on disability,I have no insurance and cant afford any.I called a number of insurance companies early on asking about private insurance and it would have taken at least half my check in some cases.I was told the only way I can get medicaid is with a spenddown which is half what I make.I know it seems logical to go that way but right now I am truthfully not making it with 100% of my check going on expenses.I have asked questions at social services but gotten no help really.Things got so bad last year money wise I lost heat and electricity for a month and half.I could get no help.I called all over and got backup saying not only with the reason I am on disability but because of my surgery I needed electric to live.I have gas everything.The stove and furnace had electric ignite.So i had no heat and no way to prepare,store food etc.I have no car and cant drive so i had no way to get anywhere daily to eat real food,no phone etc.I went to social services with my application for food stamps,my 'medical backup' paperwork.I am embarrased to admit this but the reason I am on disability is I lost both my parents within 2 years and I was their primary care giver.Lets just say I did not handle it well and now am basically housebound.The lady at social services asked why I was on disability and when I told her that she grunted and refused to look at any of my paperwork which would have gotten my stuff turned back on,etc.A local church helped me out.I did send in my paperwork with a letter of explanation that someone else there received and accepted.A few days after my stuff was turned on I got a letter saying I was approved for emergency aid.I spent a month and half with nothing and that trip to social services happened days into it.Lets just say that worker is now in trouble for refusing,when obviously I did qualify and spent weeks like that for no reason.I know I am babbling but it is important for me to explain getting this way was not a choice.I did have insurance when I had the surgery.Good insurance,but lost it when they put me on disability.My surgery was 1-05.I have been out of work since 6-06.I dont know if its the area but we have little.I called the only clinic I know of and they have a one month waiting list for appt.I asked if they have any other ideas and they dont.I have written 3 letters to that social services worker who DID help me asking what other options I might have and if she knows of any other clinics and gotten no response at all.I have sent those in the last 4 months.I wrote her when I started to really not feel well.
After that whole life story
I am forcing myself to drink more.I have tripled what I was able to drink and have gotten water,since what comes out of our tap tastes terrible.Thanks for the answer!

I'm sorry for your situation. It's obviously been difficult on you. I only have one more piece of advice -- KEEP TRYING. Dealing with social services and government support is not easy & sometime you just need persistence --- eventually you may end up talking with someone who will do their job & help you. Sounds like your church offers you some support as well. If you are a regular at the church, maybe ask around --- let people know of your medical problem -- there may be a doctor that attends the same church as you that will offer you a free consultation or some advice. Constipation is relatively normal after WLS, but can be really uncomfortable. Drinking water & eating more fruits and vegetables can help; however, if you have a "mechanical" problem, you will need assistance from a doctor. On a personal note, I have battled constipation in the past, and I found that Milk of Magnesia before bed helped the most. Good luck. Stay strong.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Registered Dietitian
You can purchase Fleet enemas and try that. If that fails, then contact the nearest ER room. I thinks it's law that you have to be treated at an ER whether you have insurance or not. I know that to be the case in CA, where any number of legal and non legal residents go to the ER room for a host of problems from the common flu to something more serious. In CA, they can't refuse you to be seen in an ER. Call a local hosptial ER and ask. You may get an anwer you like.
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