calorie carb proten needs to lose 30 lbs 3yrs post op

on 3/3/08 10:58 pm - linn creek, MO
I have gained 30lbs after having my daurghter 1 1/2 years ago I'm trying to get off but don't have a doctor or any one in my area knows much about gastic bypass the doc who did my surgey left the area . so I'm on my own I've been trying to wach my carb intake and walking about 1 hour a day, {around 4 miles} if anyone can help me. I can really use it. Thank you so much.
on 3/4/08 2:53 am, edited 3/4/08 2:55 am - Lexington, SC
Hi Melisa, welcome!  A Big Congrats on your baby girl. :)   I am not a dietician or nutritionist but can maybe offer a bit of help being almost 3 years out.   What is your daily food intake?  Do you keep a food journal (there are some great FREE ones online:,,, etc) It's fantastic that you are exercising!  That's great!!  With exercise, caloric recommendations will be a bit higher than if you weren't exercising at all.   But from what I have researched and with my surgeon's staff and his two different dieticians that I have worked with over the past 3 years, I have a good guideline that I follow when it comes to protein and carb intake. My dietician suggests 60-80 grams of protein a day (some are told more), but protein is very very important.  You should eat protein with every meal first, and can supplement protein during the day with protein drinks (no sugar added carnation instant breakfast, low carb slimfast/atkins shakes, and other protein drinks/shakes that have no sugar added.) As for carbs, this can be a bit sensitive as everyone has their own level that they are comfortable with or are strictly held to.  Because I exercise and am a big advocate of it, my dietician suggests 80-100 grams of complex carbs a day (whole grains, things with higher fiber, etc).  Now this may be too much for some, and there are others that are very comfortable with 30-40 grams of carbs a day.  So it's important to find your balance.  Good carbs are great for us because they help us maintain a high level of energy while working out and also to perform daily functions.  But they are to be limited to complex carbs and not the junk food ones.   I hope this helps in some way.  I wish you luck on your journey!!!  Please come by the WLS Grads board!  There is a wonderful group of ladies there going through many similar experiences and emotions. :) ~Shannon
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