Nutritional information need for High Cholesterol after Roux-en-Y

Carrie H.
on 3/3/08 5:27 am
I had Roux-en-Y surgery on 10/08/03. I have been eating a lot of protein of course. Today my doctor's office called with blood test results. Everything looks good, but my cholesterol level is 247. They are going to give me 6 months to try to lower it with exercise and diet. I am wondering what would be an ideal diet for that? Whole grains are a big recommendation, but they are too filling and I don't think I would get the nutrition I need. I am 5'4" and weigh 154. I am 42 years old. Both my grandfather's died from heart attacks, one at 45 years old. My maternal grandmother had a heart attack but lived, and there are lots of other heart problems in my family, so I am a little concerned about getting this under control. I don't have high blood pressure, actually low blood pressure sometimes. My last measurement was 107/69. Thanks for any help you can give me!
on 3/4/08 3:04 am - Lexington, SC
Hi Carrie, welcome!!  I did some research and found a great article from the Mayo Clinic about some foods that help reduce cholesterol, and luckily, you have some great options. The article suggests not only whole grains but fish, almonds, and nuts, which are all great sources of protein and vitamins/minerals that we all should have in our daily diets.  A great whole grain is oatmeal, and there are many of us that have oatmeal in the morning due to it's fiber content and whole grain factor.  The big thing is cutting saturated fats, which we are supposed to limit anyway.    I hope this helps.  I am no expert by any means but love to help.  Do you have access to your surgeon's staff to verify what you should do to lower you cholesterol levels?  I do believe it's really important to make sure you talk with them also. I wish you great luck on your journey!! ~Shannon
Carrie H.
on 3/4/08 3:35 am
Thanks for the information Shannon. I really appreciate it. My surgeon retired about 2 years ago, so I can't call to ask questions anymore. Thanks again for the help. Have a great day! Carrie
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