Diet and Constipation

on 3/1/08 11:00 am - Marlborough, MA
I am eight weeks out from my RNY surgery. I eat some oatmeal or grits for breakfast. I have a protein shake with skim milk, and drink about 60 ounces of water on top of that. I have varied my intake so that I am eating hummus, fruits, cottage cheese, and different fish. I had two weeks of seeming like I would need to go but not for three or four days. It is highly unusual for me not to go. I understand not doing so much as before the surgery. When I finally go, it is a huge amount. So, why am I retaining it and feeling uncomfortable. I mean, I do not want hemmorroids from straining. I am sorry that this is so explicit. I am wondering if I need more than the Ducolax stool softener and the Benefiber chewables. I am taking Vitron-C for my low iron. I know that iron makes you bound up. Please post an answer soon. Oh, I took three Metamucil caplets today so I will have a good tomorrow. Let me tell you that I have been doing that in order to move... Linda
on 3/1/08 10:45 pm - Danvers, MA
The key things to have in your diet are enough fluids (minimum of 64 oz.), enough fiber, enough fat (minimum of 25 g daily) and some movement. Even with all of those things, sometimes the bowels are still a little lazy. My regimen consists of: 2 Colace every single morning with my iron 1 heaping tablespoon of Benefiber mixed in with some warm tea Between 30 and 45 grams of fiber daily from food sources (Fiber One products and fruits and veggies) Minimum of 25 g of fat daily (up to 40 g for me personally) 80 oz. minimum of water (I usually get 100 oz. or more) Regular exercise (typically 4 days per week) With all of that above, I still have daily issues with constipation and straining...and I have fissures that bleed every single time I have a BM. When things get really backed up, I take a dose of Enulose (prescription) which was prescribed by my surgeon. Talk to your surgeon and see what his protocol is for constipation.

Dave Chambers
on 3/2/08 2:40 am - Mira Loma, CA
Stool softeners are a common necessity for a large number or RNY patients. Consitpation is a problem, or so I hear from dozens and dozens of RNY patients at the 3 monthly support groups I attend. I went to a completely different group last Saturday, and I heard the same comment there. I personally take 2 at night and one during the morning.  I had intial problems as you described, but not since my daily intake of stool softeners. Oh, I do eat oatmeal every morning of the week also.

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
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on 3/2/08 3:08 am - Marlborough, MA
Thanks, Dave and Amy. I was wondering if I needed more fat in my diet. I have not yet found a way to get that in. I am able to chew nuts now. I may eat some almonds at the movie today. I want to see if that helps. My regime for the last two days has been two stool softeners, three Benefibers, and three metamucil. I found that it help this morning. I took my stool softeners, and one Benefiber, and three Metamucil since waking. I like to spread them out over the morning and into the evening. I do not want to cause a problem and get loose stools.  I ate cauliflower and endamame the last two days. I am hoping to get in broccoli tomorrow. I will continue to monitor the vegetables, and beans as they help me move. I am looking to get back to once a morning so that I feel comfortable. I felt as if when I sat down it hurt from being bound up with the constipation. Thanks again for your response. I do get a lot of fluid in. I have Fibersure but seems to me that I had lots of gas and it is embarassing to me to pass gas. I would not want to do that in public.  I do not seem to have that problem with chewable Benefiber. Linda
on 3/4/08 12:30 pm - Cypress, CA
I was feeling this way the last few days. Today I got some Fleet Glycerine supositories and they worked AMAZINGLY!!! I was worried about having to go to the doctors for help because my stool was so impacted, but these work great!
I am a proud 6'2 Beautiful woman! Weight-loss below as of 1/7/08 (Pre-op)

Miss Thang
on 3/4/08 6:25 am - Buffalo, NY
im only 5 weeks out and ive had to resort to enema's twice, im taking miralax almost daily right now and eating what fat and fiber i am able to... the last time i felt like id been assaulted for 2 days it was horrible... if you find a miracle cure let me know
Wyldethang I LOVE my RNY!!!  Magick Happens, just BELIEVE! Namaste

on 3/4/08 6:36 am - Marlborough, MA
I saw the price of Miralax and held off. I have stool softener, Fiber Choice with Calcium and D, and Metamucil. I had the coupon for Miralax but chose new underwear! I got more underwear than supplements. I wish the system would just go when I get up in the morning. It amounts to a ****tail of chewable fiber and pills for me. I have been active three days in a row. Maybe I found the ****tail...I mean the right combination. I still need the stool softener though cause I seem to strain too much. Oh, I worry about being hurt down there. My husband finally went to the ER, and is being admitted though the beds are tight and he is not up on the floor yet. I have a suspicion that his cardiologist is scheduling an ambulance ride tomorrow into Mass General Hospital in Boston for an angiogram to check out his stents. The stents are only supposed to last seven years.  He has had some pain on exertion for weeks. I think he wanted to be there for me while I was recuperating. I know I could have handled him going into the hospital sooner. The stress gets to me when he waits. So, I came home and ate. It is still what I do when stressed. I needed to eat but not that small bag of potato chips that was there for him. I was immediately sick, and after fifteen minutes of foaming saliva, I vomitted.  So, here I am admitting that I need to find another way to handle stress. Linda
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