cheapest place for protein bullets

on 3/1/08 7:18 am - Fresno, CA
Where is the cheapest place to find protein bullets?  I want to be sure and get my protein, but I'm not a shake person.  Ideas?

on 3/1/08 7:37 am - AR
I order my New Whey 42 vials by the case from where there is a flat shipping charge of $6 regardless of how big your order is.  This is important because liquids are so heavy.  

I usually order 4 cases of orange flavored New Whey 42.  There are 12 vials in each case (for a total of 48 vials).  Each set of 2 cases is $54, so 4 cases is $108.  When you add in the $6 shipping charge, that total comes to $114.  

$114 / 48 vials = $2.38 per vial

PLUS, they've also let me pick 1 or 2 free gifts every time I have ordered.  They give you different choices every time.  I have gotten to try some of their protein bars for free this way.  I have gotten free blender/slurpie bottles this way.  They also send you their magazine free with each purchase.  Also, every dollar you spend earns you bonus bucks back for future purchases.  Not only that, but for every 3 people you refer that name you as the one that referred them, you get $50 off your next order.
on 3/1/08 9:26 am - Fresno, CA
So, you use one vial per day for how many grams of protein?  And, you mix it with something when you drink it?  Does it cause any nausea or anything?

on 3/1/08 1:58 pm - AR
I buy the New Whey 42 liquid protein.  It has 42 grams of protein in it.   Orange is my favorite.  (But I have tried grape and fruit punch also.)  I always mix them with the same flavor crystal light.  (Orange New Whey 42 vial gets poured into 16-17 ounces of orange crystal light.)  I buy the little "to go" packets of crystal light and mix the individual packets with 16.9 ounces of water and the new whey bullet.  That tastes great and you can't taste the bullet at all.  It tastes just like orange juice to me.   I drink half in the morning and half in the afternoon generally.  (But I do occassionally drink a whole one in the morning.)  But never more than one vial a day.  I get the rest of my protein from food.   The first time I drank one, it gave me diarhea.  But it never happened again.  High doses of protein can cause a little tingling in the hands with some people.  I have also had that once.  But again, it only happened once and never again.  No other side effects at all.   They have saved my life.  There is no way I could get in my protein without them.  (I absolutely COULD NOT drink them straight.  I really HAVE to mix them with the crystal light to get rid of the "thickness" and aftertaste.  But mixing them with the same flavor crystal light, grape bullet with grape crystal light, fruit punch bullet with fruit punch crystal light, etc, really does work.  It tastes like any other non-protein drink when mixed!) 
on 3/3/08 6:02 am - Brentwood, CA
I liked the New Whey protein bullets right after surgery as well (especially the orange) so I bought two boxes.  Oddly, after struggling through two strictures and 5 weeks of not eating and two bouts of dehydration (I am fine now thank goodness!) they just don't agree with me any more. I have the two boxes (minus about 3 vials) and would love to sell them for a REALLY low price to someone who will use and enjoy them.  The two boxes cost me about 50 bucks (not including postage) so I would be willing to sell them for 30 dollars and I'll cover the postage.  If you are interested, please PM me and we'll make arrangements. Have a great week, Cathy C.
"One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best." Jane Austen

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