Omega 3

on 2/29/08 9:58 am - Belmont, MA

Hi, Is it true that after Roux-en Y GBP the body no longer absorbs Omega Oils?   I hope this is not true because they are so important. Thanks for any info you can provide. Theresa


on 3/3/08 7:55 am - Wilmington, DE
Hi Theresa,  I hope we can absorb Omega Oils cause I just bought some and it isn't cheap. If a nutritionist doesn't answer this question soon please ask again and mention the word nutritionist answer please in the subject. Maybe that will help.  Renee
on 3/3/08 10:14 am - Costa Mesa, CA
YES, you guy will absorb the Omega 3 supplements. However, fish contains Omega 3, is low fat & is packed with protein, so I personally think eating fish 3 times per week is a better choice. But, to answer the question, no, you will not malabsorb that supplement.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 3/4/08 5:12 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hi Sara i was getting very concerned myself about if this is TRUE or not true ? this is going around on the message board saying that after WLS  we don't absorb oil or gel vitamins. that means i am NOT absorbing my Omega vitamins at all IF this was TRUE. i do love to eat fish at least 3 times a week as well :-) Sara , thank you SO much for confirming this. hugs Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

on 3/15/08 4:42 am - Los Angeles, CA
Renee, I usually eat salmon twice per week, and I take Omega 3 oil capsules. How many should we take per day?  Should they be spaced out?  Should they not be taken with another supplement? Warmly, Rosemary
on 3/5/08 9:03 am - Belmont, MA
Thank you so much for responding, I am relieved to hear that this will not be an issue...I agree eating fish is a much better idea!


Lynn J
on 3/15/08 2:10 pm - LA
I had heard that we don't absorb the omega oils.  I don't know if it is true but a lot of people take the Coremega because they say we absorb this better.  I take dry Vit A, D, and E because I heard that we absorb them better than vitamins in oil.  I don't want to take any chances.  

Lynn J
Lap RNY 9/29/04
5' 4"
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