For a dietician...or whomever!

on 2/28/08 1:38 pm - Newark, DE

I'm so glad I decided to cruise in on this board. I've been wanting to see a dietician for quite some time but I'm confused! So here's my issue: I had WLS 1/2006 and my lowest was 155 and now I'm 176. I was VERY physically active up until Oct. 2007 when I had augmentation surgery and I wasn't able to workout for quite some time. Then since then I've been trying to get back on the wagon. So, I'd like to get down to 160ish (155 was too low for me) and I'm kinda confused as how to do it. When I was working out, I maintained and could pretty much eat normally. Now, I'm getting back into working out like I used to but I'm unsure as to how many calories I should be consuming during this time. I eat on average 1200-1300 cals a day. I usually do 1 hr. cardio 4x/wk and throw some weights in there a couple time a week. How many cals should I consume to get the weight loss going again??? I eat pretty balanced meals, get about 80-95g protein, 130 carbs (fruit and starches), and the 1200-1300 cals. I could probably drink more shakes definitely. I'm not sure what to do:shrug:. I've tried going back to basics and I really don't want to do the 5DPT because I'm afraid that when I lose the weight it'll creep back up. I want to lose the weight in a way that I'll be able to keep up with. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!! April

on 2/29/08 1:24 am - Lexington, SC
Hi April, welcome to the board! :) I like it here as well.  I am not a dietician or nutritionist (though I would love to go into the field one day) but I can relate to you in many many ways.  For the past year I too had many questions about portion size and caloric intake as I have progressed in my journey and realized that 1000 calories a day wasn't cutting it for me.  So I did end up talking to my dietician and she increased my caloric requirements slightly and put me on a plan that incorporated balanced meals of protein, veggies and fruits, with opportunities for whole grains/complex carbohydrates.  I am a big advocate of exercise and I personally need to have complex carbs in my diet to maintain the level of exercise that I incorporate (in which lately I have sidelined with tendinitis in my knee).  Last year I was put on 1400-1600 calories a day depending on my workouts, if I noticed that I was really hungry, I could have a pre-workout snack or fruit during the day to satiate the hunger.  Protein of course and always comes first, but balance is extremely important.  I have had to try and keep my carbs around 100 grams MAX a day, but there are days when I go up to 120-130 and am okay.    With being sidelined in my workouts the past few weeks, I have had to go back to my dietician for a revised eating plan to make adjustments for the downtime.  I do believe it's about finding what works for you and your body staying within the guidelines of what our surgeons originally put us on but making adjustments as necessary.  I have done it and it's working. :)     I am one that has had to incorporate healthy snacks into my day, I find I am hungry every couple hours (now there are many people that are completely the opposite of me, and are not hungry or just eat 3 meals a day, so we are all different).   Based on your activity level, length out of surgery and your target weight goals, this is what will mostly determine your caloric requirements.   I hope this helps in some way.  Keep up the great work! ~Shannon
on 2/29/08 7:01 pm, edited 2/29/08 7:02 pm - Newark, DE
Thanks, Shannon! It was just so much easier losing weight or just maintaining only 4 months ago! I know my workout routine has got to become just that...routine! I've really fallen off the wagon so I just need to get it together. I need to be back in my bikinis by summertime. You would think that would be incentive enough but I'm really having a hard time getting my butt in gear! I think I'll try and stay at 1300-1400 cals a day and do my workout routine at least 4 days/wk. I really do enjoy working out. I was a staple in the gym! So, here I am...professing....I need to make a change!! April
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