What's wrong with me

on 2/27/08 7:01 am - PA
I am 7 weeks post op.  I've lost 37 lbs over all, but only 21 because of WLS  ( lap RNY) That being said, I haven't lost any weight for the last 3 weeks.  Let me give you an example of what i'm eating: 2 chewable MV 1 B-1 1 B-12 1000 mcg 1 Calcium 630mg 2  Pepcid  20mg Breakfast: 1c greek or plain yougurt with 3-4 strawberries ( 10-20 g protein) Snack - cheese stick 5-7g Lunch - chicken, turkey meatball with cheese ( 16-26) Snack - Protein Bar ( 14-15) Dinner ( Turkey Meatball or chicken or fish) ( 20-26) Snack - Liquid protein ( if I'm low - 21-42) or peanuts ( 8) If I'm low and all my snacks were done early, i'll drink afglass of milk or have a bowl of FF SF/LS Ice cream. (4-9) Ok, i'm drinking 64 oz of water daily and up until this week working out 3x/week for about 1/2 hr to 45 minutes. THis week i've upped it to 7 days because I just don't know what else to do. In a day I get 600-1000 calories and 70-95g protein. Why am I not losing weight. I'm following the rules to the letter, I'm eating all my protein, i'm drinking all my water, I'm doing all my exercise, and I haven't lost a pound in three weeks. 7 weeks out of WLS, i've only lost 21 LBS. How do I fix this.  I see people who in 3 months have lost 60-80 lbs.  I haven't lost even 1/3rd of that and I'm feeling deprived. I've done this major change to my physiology to my eating habits, to my exercise habits and I'm having substandard results. I've only lost about 14% of my excess weight. What am I doing wrong? How do I fix it? Who do I need to sue? ( ok that last one's a joke... unless i find out thjat i never really had surgery in the beginning.  PLEASE HELP!!!
on 2/27/08 9:51 pm - Lexington, SC
Goodmorning Nubianlilly, firstly, let me say that you are doing a fantastic job!!!  You are following your program, and that's wonderful!!  Your journey is still very young, and I know personally I hit my first plateau just a few months after surgery, and it lasted a very long time.  I can sympathize with you.   I am not a dietician or nutritionist (though I would truly love to go into that field) but in looking at your daily food intake vs. your exercise routine, I am inclined to ask you how many complex carbs you are getting in per day?  Is fruit in the morning the only fruit that you eat during the day?  I know we are told to basically stay away from carbs as a whole, but what I found out during my first plateau was that I wasn't (balancing) eating enough of the good carbs to sustain my intense exercise routine.  I was doing kickboxing and strength training while eating 600 calories a day of mostly protein, and the scale did not budge for almost 2 months.  After talking with my dietician, she put me on a plan that included more fruits, but also having a pre-workout snack of either whole wheat bread/crackers with peanut butter or a higher protein, low fat granola bar or a graham cracker with peanut butter among some other things.  Now this is just from my personal experience, and I realize everybody is different, so what may work for you may be very different.  I don't know if your eating plan by your surgeon includes fruits during your meal, but this was something that my surgeon promoted (and EVERY surgeon is truly different).  It sounds like you are following your program, and doing a great job.  The weight will come off, it truly will.  Do you have access to a dietician or nutrionist from your surgeon's staff??  That also may be very very helpful.  :) I wish you so much luck in your journey!! ~Shannon 
on 3/1/08 9:42 am - Eugene, OR
O my gosh. Your story sounds like mine. I had RNY in Oct. and have lost only 52 lbs. I lost about the same as you that far out and like you couldn't understand why I was the only one in my group to be having this happen. I work out at the gym 3 days a week weight lifting and treadmill and then just treadmill on 2 other days. This past 2 weeks have only lost 2 lbs. I have tried myself to get an answer to how I can be eating so much less and not losing like others but can't get an answer. Something did happen about 2 weeks ago. I suddenly felt different, like hungry and wasn't getting that full feeling when eating smaller amounts so have had to watch it, which is depressing. That's why I had surgery and now can't eat has much as before without gaining weight. I laughed when you said you would sue if you found out you didn't have surgery. That's funny because I joked with my Dr. and said I didn't think he had done my RNY and maybe did a band instead cause I was losing so slow. I wish I could help you but I'm in your spot and will be reading your posts to see if I learn anything. Good luck and hang in there , at least we're going in the right direction.

on 3/1/08 8:07 pm, edited 3/1/08 8:10 pm - PA
One of the big losers from my support group came to my house yesterday and analyzed what  I was eating.  She told me that I was eating too many carbs. She said that I should try to not get more than 20 grams of carbs in a day, then after 2 weeks, I should increase the number of carbs by 5 or ten grams. If my weight loss stalls by adding then I shoul d cut back the carbs to where I had better results.   I'm going to try it because if I see 256 on the scale one more day I'm going to screem!!! Oh, by the way, I have two other posts that might help you I got some good advice on one of them. http://tinyurl.com/2kqd73
on 3/2/08 12:00 am
Sounds like you hit the famous 3-week stall/hump a lot of people (me included) hit. About 3-4 weeks after surgery you just STOP LOSING WEIGHT for like 3 weeks or so - no matter what you do it doesn't budge. Then it just starts back up. I lose in cycles - drop 4-6 pounds rapidly then play with 2 for 2 or 3 weeks and then repeat. Don't get discouraged! It will get better :-)

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