Stalled for 6 Weeks - Help?

(deactivated member)
on 2/25/08 3:56 am - Los Angeles, CA
So I asked my nutritionist this question and she just told me to "work harder", so I want a  better answer than that. I started at 278, now at/around 183-188, depending on the day. I can't get below 183, it's been 6 weeks, and I'm going insane. I upped my calories to 1200 3 weeks ago. At least 80-90 grams of protein, and the rest split between good carbs and fats. I go to the gym 4 x a week, where I do an intense elliptical for 30 minutes. I live in NYC, I walk all day when I'm not in classes. I get in all of my water, at least 64 oz a day. What do I need to do? This morning I woke up and my jeans were TIGHT, after eating more like I was told. Granted, two cups of miso soup can probably bloat me to the high heavens, right? I've been stalled for too long now, and I would like some help! I'm thinking I should go back to 800 calories/day, 80 protein minimum and obviously continue the exercise. Anything else I can do? Shira
(deactivated member)
on 2/25/08 9:48 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Tight jeans following miso soup probably equals fluid retention, not true weight gain.   It may seem counterintuitive, but given the amount you're exercising you may need more than 1200 calories per day.  If you cut your calories back too far, your body feels like it's not sure it's going to get enough energy (calories) to support your basic energy needs, so it fights like heck to hold on to your stored energy (fat).  So you can work like the Dickens, eat very little, and not lose any weight.  I'd suggest bumping up your daily calories in 100-calorie increments until you find your "sweet spot" where you'll start losing again.  Just make sure you're adding good calories -proteins, good fats, good carbs, etc.   As a bit of background so I don't sound like a complete nut, I'm 28 months post op, started at 396, currently at 183, eating ~2200 calories per day (250-275 g. carbs, 125-150 g. protein, 45-60 g. fat), exercising about 10 hours per week (split between strength training and cardio), and still losing 3-5 pounds per month.  I also eat 7-9 times per day - slightly larger amounts at traditional meal times, then 100-200 calories "snacks" every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  Eating that way helps keep my metabolism "stoked" so I burn more calories over time.  Some days I eat around 1800 calories, but if I eat much less than that, I don't lose...   Anyway, if you have the patience to track your food, exercise, daily weight, and to tinker around with your daily food plan, you'll find a good daily intake for yourself.  But be patient - it took me a long time to figure out what worked for my body.   Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie
Miss Thang
on 2/27/08 11:20 pm - Buffalo, NY
I havent been there obviously yet at only 4 weeks out but i had asked my support group peeps about what they do for stalls some of them return to the full liquid diet for a few days to break stalls, or you could cut carbs drastically "atkins style" for a few days see if that puts you over the edge, just thoughts im not a nutritionist just another WLS member
Wyldethang I LOVE my RNY!!!  Magick Happens, just BELIEVE! Namaste

on 3/2/08 7:54 am
Kellie, I am trying to tinker with my intake to get the weight moving a bit faster.  I am one year out and  160 pounds down but I work out a lot and with a trainer.  I  have made sure I got the protein and water.  Would you mind posting a day of what you eat?  I would love to see where you are at with working in the small meals. thanks so much! Katy
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