Please, one more clarification message on bullets/protein

Rana B.
on 2/25/08 1:52 am
I read the post about 13 posts down where one person asked about what a bullet was, and the guy gave an answer about only so much protein being absorbed at a time.  Here's my question: Can the 42 gr. of protein from a bullet be absorbed? If so, then can I assume that if I were to have 2 bullets a day, then I'd get my protein in for the day and wouldn't have to worry so much about making sure I was getting in the correct amount of protein?   I'm not a big eater and would rather get my essential vitamins as simply as possible. I do know it's good to eat fresh veggies/fruit.  How many gr. of those do I need a day? One more question:  I know there are tons of vitamins out there to choose from, but I'd appreciate one of the diaticians suggesting the best form (liquid/chewable/solid) and the best protein and the brand that is going to be best for one's body (RNY). I don't want to have to try a ton of them if a nutritionalist can just tell me what is most healthy.  I really do appreciate you dieticians that take your time to help us.   Sincerely, Rana
on 2/25/08 2:34 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Yes, you can absorb 42 g of protein at one time. The notion of only absorbing 30 grams is a myth. Yes, if you drink 2 bullets each day you're doing good. However, I do want you to learn to eat protein. You are likely not going to drink bullets for life and eventually will need to get protein from your food. So, keep trying to get in the protein from food, but in the meantime, the bullets are fine. Regarding vitamins. You do have to take your vitamins. For life. Many vitamins and minerals are absorb in your duodenum, which is the bypassed area (in a typical RNY). So, eating fruits and vegetables, although very healthy, may not give you all the vits & minerals you need. You do want to eat your fruits and vegetables (one of each three times per day, minimum) for general good health and weight maintenance. There are tons of protein supplements and tons of vitamin supplements. I do not promote one over the other. If you have a specific one that you'd like one of us to look over, then post the information, but as far as recommending a specific one, I can not tell you which one to take. Good luck!
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
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