Exercise, calorie consumption and weight loss
Since the very beginning of my post-op period, I've been exercising regularly...anywhere between 3 and 5 times per week. On the occasional weeks where I got in less than 3 workouts (sometimes as few as only 1), the following weeks I have greater than average (for me) weight loss. Normally, I lose anywhere between .2 and 3 lbs. per week. The weeks following significantly less calorie burn from working out less, I have consistently lost upwards of 5 lbs. I no longer think it's just coincidence, but have no idea why it happens. I've got two theories going and wondered if any of the RDs here had any feedback. I typically consume between 1000 and 1200 calories per day, roughly between 75 and 100 g of protein, 25 to 35 g of fat, 35 to 45 g of fiber, and the carbs are typically coming from veggies, fruits, dairy and whole grains, in the neighborhood of 120 or maybe higher. Fluids/water are 100 oz. per day or more.
Could this be because my calorie consumption is the same regardless, and so the weeks I'm working out my body holds onto more weight because I'm taking in significantly less calories than I'm expending?
Or is it more likely to be that because I'm working out more, my muscles are holding onto more water?
Although I don't know the specifics of your height & weight, I would venture to say that if you are working out 3-5 times per week, 1000-1200 calories is likely not adequate. Many people believe they have to eat less and exercise more to lose weight which is true... to a point. However, if your body has little readily available fuel to burn, it tries very hard to hang onto everything it can, which in turn results in weight maintenance (no loss or gain). This is more likely the case than your muscle hanging onto excess water resulting in weight maintenance.
It might be a good idea to keep a food journal and see how much you are actually eating. Once this is done, your RD should be able to help you create a meal plan at the correct calorie level to keep your weight loss rolling.
With all that said, I would also like to commend you for incorporating physical activity into your lifestyle; it is one of THE most important things that you can do to attain and eventually maintain a healthier weight. Keep up the good work!
Melania Behrens, MA, RD
President, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
President, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
Thanks Melania. I track everything in FitDay, and I currently meet with my NUT about every 6 to 7 weeks. I will definitely be raising this question with her next time I see her. I'm a shorty... 5' 1.75" and currently weighing about 141. My NUT says that we have up to 1200 calories daily, more if regularly exercising. So I know I'm on the lower side of things...I just didn't know if it would actually be low enough that it's sort of thwarting my efforts at times. Thank you!
Hello Amy,
if you are eat the same calorie regardless
you are not going to lose any weight.
i think you maybe need to bump up your calories a bit
and eat more on the higher end of 1200 calories a day... in oder to lose weight.
I am 4'11 and i comsume anywhere between 900 - 1200 calories a day.
it all depends on how much exercising i do.
i workout 5- 6 days a week.
and sometimes i workout less..... depending.....
i had a setback hurt my tailbone pretty badly 2 months ago.
i am just getting back into my exercising now.
I started back exercising - 2 weeks ago
I am watching very careful what i eat.....
since i did not exercise and watch my calorie intake/fats ...
and PLUS i add peanut butter and nuts into my diet as well
i use to love these foods .... now i hate it because i abused them
i gained 10lbs.
i ate over 1200 a day ... WITH adding peanut butter and nuts into my diet
peanut butter and nuts are not weight loss friendly.
when i was not exercising from the injury....this really hurt my weight loss
i could not eat only one tablespoon of PB or eat just a few nuts at a time
and since i was unable to exercise , that put me into depression.
BECAUSE i LOVE working out .....everyday and then i couldn't for a while... :-(
so i ate.... and thats how i gained back 10 lbs.
although i have lost 6 lbs from that 10 lbs that i gain so far
i never had any other problem with my eating other then the peanut butter and mixed nuts.
my eating behavior is pretty clean and healthy.
i eat on schedule and i don't miss a meal.
with that said , i usually do not get very hungry at meal time.
plus water always fills me up too....
so at meal time i sometimes have to force myself to eat.
i always make sure i eat. i don't care if I am not hungry or not.
i need to eat to live.....so anyway.... that is my story :-)
since i am back working out again and watching what I put in my mouth.
before i added peanut butter into my diet , i ate very healthy and clean.
i took the PB and nuts out of my diet....
( eat peanut butter and nuts in moderation!
if you can't like i can't do moderation with these foods
cut them OUT of your diet and do not keep them in your house!
bad news if you can't limit these foods once a day. or eat them ever few days a time)
i am losing again. and i am losing steady.
i don't have to eat more than i usually do in order to lose more weight.
( everyone is different make sure you check again with your nutritionist )
i will eat alittle more ( up till 1200 calories a day )
on days when i workout very hard and intense.
ONCE a week... i workout very hard and intense!
on low/moderate workout days .....i eat probably about 1,100 a day
most days i workout this way. just moderate exercising , nothing hard or intense.
i usually do the DVD walk away the pounds and walk the mall.
although my pace is a bit fast. i don't drag and walk slow.
when i am at the mall i usually pick up the speed and walk on the faster side.
on off days - i will eat 900 - 1,000 a day
most off days i usually eat on the lower end of calories.
just under 1,000 a day.
i basically eat like you do .........plus i have protein shakes as well.
i drink 2 protein shakes a day with calorie count down fat free milk
for people who are short... like we are
we should stay between this calorie intake -1200 calories a day.
I do notice if I add MORE then 1200 calories a day ,
i usually gain weight, with or without exercising
that to me is scary.... so i make SURE i don't go pass 1200 calories a day.
i am still losing weight at almost 4 years post op.
what I suggest you to do is maybe eat on the higher end of the 1200 calories a day
on the days that you workout very hard.....
thats what i usually do....
i think you are doing excellent on everything else ...the foods and the water is perfect :-)
best wishes to you
keep me posted and stay in touch please
( as we are almost the same weight and height )
good luck

Hugs & Kisses
Hi Amy,
just me again...
i wanted to add that i recently joined weigh****chers....
not only because i want to lose weight and get down to my person ultimate goal weight.
but to HELP ME OUT with my calories and all....
i wanted to have something to build from and have some kind of direction to follow
I use fitday.com too .... although that did not give me enough any structure to go on.
it only gave me the basic counts on everything...
with weigh****chers i have something to go on....
i am eating the same way as I was before .... but now i know where my calorie intake is.
because weigh****chers go by the point system ......
i am now doing the flex plan on WW
it is really the same way I am eating....
it is teaching me to be aware of calories and fats and fiber in all foods....
and what is zero point foods and what foods to count......etc....
i eat free foods... on the weigh****chers program
but only the amount they give me ( portion size )
and another thing that weigh****chers taught me is PORTION CONTROL as well :-)
it is helping me so much in different ways....
with the flex program you have to measure all your foods....
and i got to say that i am so happy i joined...
i really don't like fitday.com because it didn't give me what i really wanted.
plus i sit in the meetings and listen and get tips from everyone...
weigh****chers do not know that i am a WLS patient and they do not have to know either.
i pay as I go each week
so basically this is helping me over all...
i thought i would share this with you
i also write everything down in my food book and i don't go over my points.
if anything , i still have a few points left from today. i can save them or use them next week.
maybe it is something you would be interested in later on or maybe even now ?
give it a shot , you have nothing to lose , just weight , if you do join....
Weigh****chers can help you notice a lot of different things in your diet...
and that can help you lose even more.....
you can adjust everything as you go .... with weigh****chers program
i strongly recommend it .....so think about it
it is a excellent diet plan....
take care

Hugs & Kisses
I am actually doing fine with my food and portions and such. I have done weigh****chers many, many times and am a lifetime member...I just haven't been within 2 lbs. of "goal" for many, many years. I just really wondered if the calorie content of my days wasn't enough for the days I am do work out...I will definitely be discussing this with my NUT next time I see her (in about 2 weeks). Thanks for all the feedback!