HELP>>>>>Allergies & getting protein in my diet


on 2/22/08 8:55 am - Atlanta, GA
I am over 2yrs out and I was in the hospital this week due to some issues after a tummy tuck (removal of 9 lbs of skin).   Basically, I had swellen above my belly button which is odd. So, my Dr who did both my Gastric Bypass & Tummy Tuck did tons of tests.   It looks as if I have a vitamin deficiency & issues with not enough protein.  I thought I was doing pretty good.  I was taking vitamins just not enough so back on Juice Plus instead of Nutralite.  And have to get more protein in.  The swellen will not go down because the fluid inside of me has not enough protein to asbord too in order to get out of my body. My concern is Protein!!!!!...I recently discovered I am allergic to Wheat, Soy, Shellfish, Eggs, Fish, Beef, & Pork.............This only really leaves Poultry & beans.  My Dr wants me to do protein shakes again.   Does anyone have any suggestions here??...Remember NO WHEAT OR SOY!
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