Calling all Vegans and Nutritionists!!!!

on 2/19/08 12:41 pm - Killeen, TX
RNY on 10/04/05 with
I have a serious problem.  Currently almost 2.5 years out and gave birth to a wonderful baby boy.  We are trying to nurse.   The problem comes with the likely possibility that he is allergic to dairy casein (dairy protein).  I'm trying desperately to eliminate the dairy and whey from my dietand therefore try  to get most of my protein from meats and beans, but let's face it- I still have days where fod doesn't sit right or it's easiest to grab a protein bar (especially as a new mom and the mom of an active 7 year old!) To further complicate things, I am highly allergic to soy protein, B Vitamins and I am iron intolerant (I am told being "allergic" to iron is "incompatible with life", but that doesn't make the reaction any less severe). So my big question is this: what can I do to add more protein to my diet? I have heard of quinoa, spirulina, and hemp....haven't tried any of them yet. Does anyone have suggestions? Thanks, Rachael
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-Proud Army Wife 8 Years and Running
on 2/19/08 2:34 pm - CA
He has tested allergic to casein?  What about Whey? Is he allergic or collicky? Does he react to your breast milk? Your body processes casein & whey just fine then it formulates protein into breast milk.  If he is allergic to milk proteins then it doesn't matter what you eat, he will still be allergic to milk - does this make sense?   You are allergic to soy - but is your baby? If you are allergic to Bvitamins - do you mean supplements?  Maybe you are allergic to something in the vitamin preparation?  It is unlikely that you are allergic to the vitamins itself (as it is not likely to be allergic to the metal iron, just the way it has been prepared) Be careful with confusing allergies with intolerances - they are very different! Maybe we need to clarify the issues to offer better help?
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 2/20/08 1:22 am - Killeen, TX
RNY on 10/04/05 with
LOL *pulling my hair out* THIS is why I hate military doctors sometimes :-) No, he has not tested allergic; I was told this was a "trial and error" kind of allergy, not one that could be tested for. (gotta love that lowest-bidder stuff) He isn't collicky (at least, not traditional colic) according to the doc (same doc who said they couldn't test for this stuff, so now I wonder) but seems to react to breastmilk at every feeding (especially after I injected my B vitamins! That was instantaneous gas, vomiting, constipation and occaisional runs)  He reacts less severely (not instantly, but still there) to a 1:1 mix of Similac Low Iron and Nestle's Good Start.  We had him on a regular formula for awhile, but even the NICU docs took him off that because he vomitied more than he ate. I honestly don't know if he's allergic to soy.  Everyone decided it would be better not to try because I am so allergic and my daughter is very allergic (so are all the females in my family- we don't have enough boys for me to be sure about them). As far as the vitamins and iron, I don't know which I am allergic to.  I cannot physically process/absorb enough through oral methods because of such violent reactions (vomiting, runs, extreme gastrointestinal problems that last for days).  I currently inject 1cc every 2 weeks (should be every week, but since I am trying to nurse...) and believe me, I still react.  The absorbtion is better though.  I don't take iron supplements anymore (except what is in my prenatals) because the B vitamin reaction scared my docs too much to consider it! I appreciate you getting back to me so fast!  If there are tests, please let me know (especially if you know the specific names, so I can ask directly- they seem to be a little more agreeable if I go in like I know what I'm talking about). Thanks again, Rachael
If you can read this, thank a Teacher
If it's in English, thank a Soldier

-Proud Army Wife 8 Years and Running
on 2/20/08 1:56 am - CA

PM me.

Tell me his "reaction" to the breastmilk.

What is his age? How much are you using formula, how much nursing? Milk allergies are SEVERE and very unusual in babies - think about it, without milk most babies would not survive.  Baby bodies are specifically designed to take in milk as their primary nutrition source - and breastmilk is best, so I'm glad you are nursing. Let's see if we can get to the bottom of this


Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

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