Horrified of Messing up

on 2/17/08 9:22 am - Greenville, SC
I guess I waited so long to have the surgery now that its a reality I am so scared of doing/eating the wrong things I'm making myself crazy. I am 3 months out and doing well. I try very hard to follow the rules, no bread per dietician because the yeast can stretch the pouch. so now I look for yeast in everything (definetely do not want to stretch the pouch LOL). Its harder now because as time progresses my body has learned to tolerate more types of food (thats so scary) Today I had a few pork grinds, no carbohydrates, no sugar, about 5 grams of fat I thought this should be ok. Then after eating them I read the ingredients..... yeast!!!!  I'm driving myself nuts. I still measure my food whenever possible to make sure I'm only getting in 4 oz at each meal, but sometimes its hard especially when eating out, and I've noticed that with seafood I am able to get in more than 4oz (not that I'm trying) but i wonder if thats because of the water that seafood sometimes retain? Anyways I'm very greatful for my pouch, very greatful that insurance covered it, even more greatful that there were no complications and i just don't want to screw this up. You here so many stories about people regaining weight and i know several people who have had the surgery and are past there 1 year mark, and when I see them eating things that they shouldn't it freaks me out even more, I think oh god that could be me 
Karen S.
on 2/18/08 12:18 am - Hudson Falls, NY

Hi, I am 6-months out and I have the same fears as you.  Although I had not heard to the yeast thing...I have had bread, not a whole lot because I try very hard to eat my protein and have found that wrapping turkey or ham in a lettuce leaf works really nice..Protein and veggie how much better does it get. I have also found that eating out is NO FUN anymore...I have to scan the menu for something that is high in protein, not fried, breaded or covered in gravy or sauces... and then once I finally get my meal I eat a few bites and I am done...waiting for my husband or my friends to finish eating...which is just a hoot . My husband is very supportive and I have discussed this issue with him and he has said if I want to go out to eat let him know otherwise we can just eat home. I have found the easiest place to eat for me is Olive Garden...I order the manicotti..I take off the noodle and mix the cheese together with the marinara..I usually can eat about 3-4 small forkfuls and then I am done...I bring the rest home for the dog...although he is gaining weight my daughter says he (the dog) is going to have a puppy heart attack.

I don't like seafood but I have found that I can eat more salad than I feel I should be able to.

I wish you luck...I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in being scared of messing up or eating too much or the wrong thing...My primary care doctor says that is a good way to be (scared of doing the wrong thing) because you are thinking of the end result.  I sure hope so...I did not go through all of this to go back to where I was.   Karen Schworm


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