Would like a dietician's opinion please

on 2/14/08 6:00 am
I've posted this on the WLS Grad board but thought I would post it here too .. I am already waiting on my surgeon's office to call me back on this too .. but would like another opinion .. and to add to this I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia .. my blood sugars dropped to 27 and my insulin shot up to 296 .. that was in Nov and I just now seen the endo Dr last week to be told I have to start checking my sugars .. yada yada yada .. and then yesterday I went back to discuss an eating plan .. well here is what I posted and again would just like to get your opinion on this as well if I may .. thanks much .. Rhonda I posted before about seeing an endo dr for my low blood sugars and seizures from them .. and that I now have to start checking my blood sugars .. I have reactive hypoglycemia and he classified it as severe .. that was last week after going through this for 4 years .. had RNY Sept 15, 2003 .. anyways, I went back yesterday for the eating plan part of it .. and was not happy when I left .. good thing I had to see my therapist afterwards .. the eating plan they gave me is the complete opposite of what we are told to eat after we have surgery .. each meal I am to eat 30 grams of carbs and each snack 15 grams of carbs .. that adds up with the calories as well .. I also have an eating disorder (anorexia/bulimia) on top of everything and was told that if I binged that would help them determine why and what my sugars are .. now why would I want to do that on purpose like that .. my therapist is actually one that my surgeon sends others to before they have surgery .. as well as she deals with eating disorders and my surgeon had me go to her for that as well .. even after he forced me into the hospital to the eating disorder unit .. but when she read the plan she too said wow its the complete opposite of what you are told to do after surgery .. I have given a copy of it to my surgeon and am waiting to see his reply .. There isn't anything any one can really say or do .. I am just more or less venting as well as just updating from my prev post on my reactive hypoglycemia .. just plum crazy, huh .. well thanks for listening .. Rhonda
on 2/14/08 11:01 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Rhonda, I'm sorry you are battling this eating disorder. Eating disorders post-operatively are not uncommon, but I'm sorry this has happened to you. Is your eating disorder still active? You've clearly realized you have a problem & are seeking help, so I will assume you are getting your eating under control. Correct me if I am wrong. If you are not eating, or even binge/purge, this could explain some of your hypoglycemia. In regards to your eating plan, you do need to see a registered dietitian. A dietitian will review you weight loss & medical history before giving you the correct carbohydrate load. I don't know your calorie requirements so I can not comment on the current plan that was given to you. However, I can tell you that when I have a client with hypoglycemia, I SLOWLY increase their complex carbs (things with fiber) - tell them to avoid simple carbs (things that are white or have sugar), and increase the protein. In regards to getting off the WLS diet -- IT IS OK! You can go into a coma (or worse) from low blood sugar, so it is very important that you correct your hypoglycemia FIRST before you worry about your WLS diet. Good luck & keep us updated on how it goes. :)
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 2/14/08 11:45 am
Thanks Sara, I sent ya a personal mssg .. hope that is OK .. sometimes its kinda hard to talk much about the eating disorder .. Rhonda
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