Protein and Vitamin Question for RNY

on 2/12/08 2:03 am - MS

Yesterday I was off on my supplements. I can tell it today, because I'm very tired and fatigued. I do a really good job (usually) keeping up with what I need. But I do have some questions.

For example: I rely on my protein shakes for protein and get all of them in most days. Even when I don't, I still eat mostly protein-rich foods, i.e., cheese, meats, cottage cheese, etc. And on the days I don't, I still get in at least two shakes which is 46 grams. Where is the protein absorbed? In the intestine or in the stomach? Because a lot of times because the protein drink is a liquid, I drink right afterwards thinking it's going to absorb in my intestines anyway...but I don't know that for fact.

In addition, I do well with my supplements and taking the calcium at least two hours after my multi with iron. But I want to know where those are absorbed too because I'm scared to drink with them because I'm not sure where they asborb. I'm trying to do it the right way, but I'm so dang technical I can't help but wonder if I'm doing it to my full advantage.


on 2/12/08 2:35 am, edited 2/12/08 2:37 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hello Taminator  love your nick name - cute name :-) i do believe ( i am not sure though ) we absorb in our intestine. thats where all the absorption begins. with you being that you are a newly post op. i would wait to drink... wait for 30 - 45 minutes , then you can start drinking your water again. in the begining of my early stages of post ops..... i use to depend on just protein supplements. protein shakes protein bars ( got me sick ) and actually gain weight from eating the bars not worth eating them , i suggest to stay away from the bars too. protein puddings etc etc.... as i got further post op and out of my surgery my body was adapting to soild foods..... it takes time to heal and eat regular foods again but in time you will slowly get the feel again of eating correctly. you need to switch back to eat regularly. your body will adapt to foods. so when you get further post op...... i do suggest you to try not to depend on protein shakes and protein supplements too much you need to eat regular foods , soild foods. why ? to get all the nutrients that your body needs. start off slowly , each day add a small size snack meal portion. eat more foods. yogurt cottage cheese fat free string cheese % 100 whole grain Light English muffins. fruits vegies berries melons if you are confused on what to eat ,  call your nutritionist and have them go over a diet sample menu to follow. each day it will get better and better. eat protein first , if you have room for vegies then eat vegies afterwards. As for your vitamins Did your surgeon go over what the rules were before surgery ? yes ? then you know that not taking your vitamins can lead you to get very sick. We need to keep on taking our vitamins everyday..........for the rest of your life!

We will have malabsorption issues because of our weight loss surgery...

if we do not take our vitamins .....we could end up in the hospital....AND VERY SICK!

Please follow up with your nutritionist on what vitamins to take.
sit down with them and ask them. they will help you give you a better guideline i will give you an example what vitamins I take and maybe other members here will post what they do to help you out alittle more. the vitamins that you will most need are :

Calcium Magnesium Citrate Plus Vitamin D  -  
get all 3 vitamins in , a chewable, or one capsule or get it in a liguid vitamin. 
which ever works for you.

just remember you need all 3 vitamins in the calcium vitamin.

a good multivitamin - like - 
Bariatric Advantage Multi-Formula Chew Tropical - High in Vitamins A, D, E, K

you should take a ....  B - 100 complex vitamin every single day.

When you buy the B complex vitamin.

make sure the bottle says  B - 100  complex vitamin.

then you know you will get the 100 % of all the B vitamins.

Biotin vitamin - take Biotin everyday. 

iron vitamin  - always take a Vitamin C with your iron pill
The vitamin C will help the iron absorb better.

B-6--B12--folic acid -Sublingual 1,000 mg. - take under the tonge ( trader joes brand )

I take my B 6,12,folic acid  - once a day!

i am never tired.

this gives me tons of enegry!

follow up with your nutritonist/surgeon

eat first , then wait for 30 - 45 minutes .........then take your vitamins.

always have food in your stomach before taking your vitamins.
vitamins can eat a hole through your stomach.

here is my vitamin schedule below.  :-)

At breakfast 

Vitamin C ( 1,000 mg ) ( The vitamin shoppe )
Multivitamin ( one chewable - Bariatric Advantage vitamins - here )
Biotin ( 5,000 mg ) -Solaray brand chewable vitamin ( click here )
B-100 complex - Solaray brand vitamin ( Click here )
B-6-12-folic acid - ( trader joes brand )
Calcium Magnesium Citrate Plus Vitamin D  - 1 tablespoon. - this is the one i take (  click here )
Flax seed ( 1,000 mg ) ( The vitamin shoppe )
evening primerose (1,000 mg ) ( The vitamin shoppe )
CoQ10 ( 100 mg ) ( The vitamin shoppe )
Vitamin K ( 100 mg ) ( Solaray brand  - i buy it at - The vitamin shoppe )
Acidophilus - ( one table spoon - 15 ml - this is the one I take - here , in liquid form )

At Lunch-

Vitamin C ( 1,000 mg )
Vitron C -Iron

At dinner

Multivitamin ( Bariatric Advantage vitamin )
biotin ( 5,000 mg )
Calcium Magnesium Citrate Plus Vitamin D -  1 tablespoon.
Flax seed ( 1,000 )
Acidophilus ( one table spoon )
Vitamin C ( 1,000 mg )

before going to bed i take
DGL Licorice ( 1 chewable )

Just by reading my post this seems like a lot of supplements but ..its all worth taking,

because.. to be honest .... i feel absolutely wonderful 

and in June ....I will be 4 years post op:-)

 please don't basic your information only online and take people's advice on here.

always follow up with your surgeon and nutritionist.

best wishes to you.


Hugs & Kisses

on 2/12/08 10:54 am - MS
Thanks so much for your help Lizzy. I do keep up with my supplements most days. Yesterday was an exception. I am taking: 100% Whey protein shakes, a chewable multi-vitamin plus iron, B-12 sublingually and Calcium Citrate (Bariatric Advantage). It looks like maybe I should add the B-100 and the Biotin. I just wondered basically, where they are ingested because I am so scared I'll do it wrong. I know I'm taking what my Nut. and my doctor recommends...I just want to make sure I do it right.
on 2/12/08 12:34 pm - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hi Tam, you are very welcome :-) you are doing good... just keep up with your vitamins every single day , ok ?? you don't want to get sick... are you also taking a ........iron vitamin ? iron vitamins for us women are very important as well as all our vitamins are!! when you take your iron vitamin make sure you take an extra vitamin C with your iron vitamin the vitamin C helps to absorb the iron better. i take my iron and vitamin C at lunch time make up a vitamin schedule like i did and take them every day Vitamin C ( 1,000 mg )
Vitron C -Iron  - click here! look at the iron vitamin that i take. this iron vitamin is very good.  you can buy it online ...or... in any CVS/ Rite Aid drug stores keep me update on how you are doing good luck to you with your journey :-) keep focus and stay healthy hugss Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

on 2/12/08 12:37 pm - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
oh and Tam.... i think you are correct when you say they are ingested in our intestines. don't be scared , just STAY on top of everything and if you think you may have a problem call your surgeon's office and ask them questions ok ?  don't worry if you think you are bothering them they are there to help you... so call ... if you run into a problem. good luck to you hugss have a good night Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

on 2/12/08 12:47 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Hello, Protein is absorbed in your intestines. Calcium and iron are absorbed in the duodenum. You have to supplement your calcium and iron because the duodenum is a section of intestine that is bypassed. We advise people not to eat & drink at the same time because of dumping syndrome, mostly. In addition, since the pouch is so small, if you fill it up with liquid, you won't have room for the food. Drinking with your supplements does not cause malabsorption. Your question implies that you are worried about drinking with your supplements because you are afraid you will malabsorb the nutrients if you mix them with fluid. That is not true. Liquid does not make you malabsorb. Good luck.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
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