Splenda, can I add it to....
I have a question about Splenda. I am on my 2 week liquid diet (high protein, low sugar) and i am doing my protein shakes. My question is, is it okay to add a couple packets of Splenda to my shake to liven the taste a little bit?
320/302.5/ 153/ 155 5'9"
high/surgery/current/goal Size 28/30 to an 8/10!
I DID IT!! GOAL ON 2/23/09
Are you allowed to have decaff tea ot coffee with no cal sweetner??
Or Crystal light if so I don't see why not but you might want to call your doc or nut just to make sure. All of those have no cal sweetner in them so your drinking them any way.
Good Luck,
4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Seuss
Hello Sam,
Being that you are getting ready for surgery.....you may not be allowed to add it
to make sure ....I'd call your nutritionist and make sure you can add the sweetner.
more importantly ....
after surgery be careful with adding a couple of splenda's to anything.
use sweetners - Splenda, Stevia and Equal...... very spearingly when you use them.
because you may be very sensitive to sweetners after surgery and you may get sick. ( Dump )
use only a half of packet at a time..... or even LESS until your body gets use to the sweetners
and the further you are post op and out of surgery....
your body does adapt to foods , sweetners , and drinks.
when you are home and out of surgery
and a few weeks go by..... a month or so...
THIS is the part of surgery that is VERY imprtant!
because its when you NEED TO retrain and relearn
how to teach yourself healthier ways of eating anddrinking without any ADDED sweetners.
sweetners will make you crave MORE sweets..... BE careful with sweetners.
this surgery is all mental.
we must do all the work on how to rethink before we eat and drink!
having this surgery is like we are detoxing from everything in our body!
SO after surgery , take FULL advantage of this DETOX (honeymoon period )
and adapt new ways of eating...
explore..... healthier foods.
thats what i did and i slowly got away from sweetners.
we all need to retrain ourselves to have better self-control
as soon as we finally do *get it *
its like a bell going off in our head.
its like oh my goodness WOW! i got it!! LOL
then you'll finally use foods and sweetners spearingly like i told you. :-)
and not abuse any foods, drinks and sweetners.
i notice awhile back when i had my surgery..
i abused protein bars.
well i gained....
not good.
i had to DETOX again,
and i finally lost the weight that i gained. ( 25 lbs )
thats a lot right i had after surgery. 8 months post op.
there was Splenda in the protein bars that made me want more of the bars.
Plus chocolate ....etc..
protein bars are not healthy stay away from them.
they make you crave more sweets.
its all about self-control. and retraining how to eat better and healthier.
once you practice this over and over again.
your desires , wants and needs .......will slowly go away....
try not to use A LOT of sweetners after surgery.
stay on the right track and you'll do fine.
use everything in moderation. Thats the key.
you can over do it with anything.
you don't want to add more sweetners to what ever is already in your drinks.
When using sweetners....use a little bit at a time.
read your food and drink labels
before you use them.
be careful with sweetners.
if you do want to add a sweetner to your coffee,
i suggest using Stevia. and only use a little bit.
i have read and heard from other nutritionists that ........
Stevia , unlike Equal, Splenda ...etc...
does not make you crave more sweets.
its not so addicting as the other sweetners.
So try Stevia... you may like it :-)
do a little rresearch online about Stevia and the other sweetners.
and see what you come up with.
best wishes to you :-)
please updates on how you did with surgery
all the best

Hugs & Kisses