Dietician, help low blood sugar or losing my mind?

on 2/9/08 2:31 am - MN
Hi,  I experienced an incident yesterday at work.  I had skipped breakfast and ate some instant packaged oatmeal at work with sugar, followed by a couple tiny snickers bars.  (I am 2 years out and don't make a habit of this behavior.)  Anyway...shortly after that, about a half hour 45 minutes, I was attempting to type for a co-worker off a whiteboard to finish a report.  For a while I couldn't organize my thoughts, felt light -headed and just couldn't focus on anything in the room.  It got a bit better after I grabbed a piece of candy just to pull me out of it.  That helped a little, but I had to get my husband to take me home from work.  I had a small piece of meat and a little cheese and feel much better today.  I have had a couple times where I felt a little weak over the past 2 years, so I ate something, but it was nothing like this!  Could the load of sugar on an empty pouch result in this kind of reaction?  I think that is what happened...but it was so disturbing that I feel haunted by it. I am already scheduled for a blood work up next week, so I will tell my doctor, and also take measures that won't leave me in that situation again--beleive me! Thanks for your reply.. Betty
on 2/9/08 9:19 am - CA
Could be reactive hypoglycemia. There's no way to tell unless you were together enough to do a fingerstick at the time.  Probably not the case though... But it's one of things that will make you think twice before you do it again. Good luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 2/9/08 1:14 pm - MN
Thank you, Danielle, If it was not hypoglycemia, then what could it have been? I appreciate your reply. Betty
on 2/10/08 2:06 am - CA
The way you describe your symptoms sounds like reactive hypoglycemia.  The comment that I made was aimed at the fact that if you were lightheaded and woozy, you probably didn't check your blood sugar at the time - you did what most people would do and had a little bit of food. Doctors aren't likely to look for hypoglycemia first - they want to rule out all of the other things that could cause this reaction because some are very serious such as occluded vessels, changes in blood pressure, dehydration, endocrine disorders and others.  They look to rule these out because they are serious and could lead to other life-threatening consequences.  Once they can be sure none of these other things are going on, they will probably assume it was reactive hypoglycemia. It might be a pain to go through a lot of testing - but you wouldn't have much faith in a doctor who didn't do his/her due diligence. best of luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 2/11/08 12:20 am - MN
Thanks Danielle, I panicked for a second there.....I thought maybe there might be something else wrong, and I guess there but for now I am going with the hypoglycemia..With my old body ,160 lbs ago, I was able to find stores of nutrition here and there, in every corner of my body.  Now I seem to run closer to burning what I eat. If it happens again, and believe me I will be very careful, I will quickly get a finger stick done. Thank you again! Betty
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