Getting in enough food!
Hi everyone! I had RNY on 1/22/08. I have done amazingly well. But I am having some problems. I started on pureed food about a week ago and I have had no problems with anything I have eaten. I eat scrambled eggs,mashed up,cottage cheese,yogurt,soup,etc. My problem is that I am not hungry! I was told by my dietician that I should be getting about 50 or 60 gms of protein in a day. She said that I can eat up to 1/2 cup at each meal. My problem is how in the world am I supposed to get that much protein in in that amount of food? Its impossible! I am going to buy some whey protein powder tomorrow to add to stuff so that I can bring the levels up but I have no idea how I can do it.
I also was told to get in 64 oz of fluid in a day which again seems impossible. Especially considering you are not supposed to drink anything 1/2 hr before eating,during eating or 1/2 hour after eating. Thats 4 1/2 hours a day that I cannot be taking in fluids. Its like the bottle is glued to my mouth but I can only sip it otherwise it feels like it is "stuck" somewhere in my breastbone area and its painful! I am getting concerned because I know I need to be eating more but I just havent been hungry. Also am I supposed to eat 3 meals AND snacks in between to try and get that protein in? Im confused and I dont want to be eating TOO much either! I have lost about 11 lbs since surgery which doesnt seem like much... is that normal? I know for 2 weeks thats alot but being I am not eating much it seems slow... Any advice for me? I am kind of lost here and I want to be doing this all right. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm sure I will get some flames for saying this, but I'm 3 months post op and just in the last couple weeks have I FINALLY managed to be able to drink even close to what they tell me I should be (I still only intake approx 60 oz). The first 2 months I was darn lucky to intake 1 x 0.5 liter bottle of water and a bowl of soup for one of my meals and that was as much as I could get as far as liquids- I have been to the point I can't drink for about 2 hours after I eat or upsy daisy the food comes. I totally know how you feel with trying to get it in but not able to because of timing. I have noticed that drinking from a cup rather than a bottle helps me TONS on getting more in. Yes, I was extremely dehydrated a couple times - headaches, dizziness, etc. I had to choose whether I wanted to consume calories or to drink water. I know for a couple days I only ate like once a day so I could focus on getting water in. something you might want to try though - try to find some type of nutrition shake or even just milk that settles well with you - they count as liquids, protein and calories :-)