RD-need help with fingernails!

on 2/2/08 8:46 am - East Stone Gap, VA
Good Evening! I need help with soft/weak/peeling fingernails!! I have always (even before WLS) had nails as described above.  In the last couple of months it has gotten worse.  I keep my nails filed down very short in hopes of letting some nail grow out that won't have a weak spot/tear in it.  I keep polish (several coat) on them at all times.  I do work on a computer all day/play the piano/and do a lot of work with my hands. Is there anything that would help my nails such as diet/supplement?  I take my vitamins and supplements Dr. has prescribed every day.  I get lab work every 3 months.  Everything has been fine. I'm not looking for long nails--just short/strong ones!! Thank you all for monitoring this board and offering your advice. Robin
on 2/5/08 1:25 am - Lexington, SC
Hi Robin, I am not an RD or nutritionist, but had a very big problem with my nails and hair post surgery.  There is a supplement called Biotin that is great for strengthening nails and hair, also B12 is helping my hair and my nails grow.   I highly recommend Biotin, and it's available in any pharmacy that has vitamins.  :) I hope this helps.   ~Shannon
on 2/10/08 2:14 am - CA
Hair & nails are often a symptom of deficiencies. Take a good hard look at your vitamin supplements.  Are you taking extra B vitamins - if not, you should add this to any daily multi you currently use (take your multi at night or with meals, take your Bs at a different time - to maximize absorption) And even with all the vitamins in the world you won't build healthy hair or nails without adequate protein - so take a good look at your diet. Good Luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

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