on 2/1/08 11:06 am - Wichita, KS
  I had RNY in September 2006. I moved away from my surgeon 12 weeks later. I haven't  been under the care of a surgeon this whole time. I have had lab tests for iron and a nutrition panel, everything came back fine except for low iron. In the support group I attend, someone said that if they are not drawing 13 vials of blood, they are not testing everything. Is this true? What tests do I need to ask for? Is there one for protein? Would protein, b-12, and calcium show up in a nutrition panel? I am under the care of my PCM, but sometimes I worry if she knows what I need.  I read that deficiences are hard to detect and may not show up for a very long long? 
(deactivated member)
on 2/2/08 12:33 am
Good Morning, Nikko,  Here is a list of labs, that I got from someone over on the main board, a few months back. I usually ask for most of them (especially my ferritin level, how your body stores iron.... and my Vit. D level, which is called D-25 Hydroxy).  The codes are included, so you can just ask your doc. I printed this up and took it to my appointments. Hope this helps!

Not to be construed as medical advice, this list includes labs we have had performed as gastric bypass patients:


* 10231 - comprehensive metabolic profile (sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose,BUN, creatinine, calcium, total protein, albumin, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase)

* 84134 - pre-albumin

* 7600 - lipid profile (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, chol/HDL ratio)

* 10256 - (hep panel, includes ALT (SPGT) & GGT)

* 593 - LDH

* 718 - phosphorous – inorganic

* 83735 - magnesium

* 905 - uric acid

*7444 - thyroid panel (T3U, T4, FTI, TSH)

* 1759 - hemogram with platelets

* 7573 - iron, TIBC, % sat

* 457 - ferritin

* 945 - zinc

* 921 - vitamin A

* 680 – D (25-hydroxy)

* 4052 - vitamin B-1 (thiamin)

* 84207 – vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine)

* 7065 - B-12 & folate

* 83970 - serum intact PTH

*31789 - homocysteine, cardio  

* 83921 - MMA 

* 367 cortisol

* 84255 – selenium

For diabetics: *496 - HEMOGLOBIN A1C

DIAGNOSIS CODES: 269.2 hypovitaminosis

244.9 hypothryoidism

268 vitamin D deficiency

250.0 diabetes

401.9 hypertension

276.9 electrolyte and fluid disorders

579.8 calcium malabsorption

579.8 intestinal malabsorption

272.0 hypercholesterolemia

275.40 calcium deficiency

266.2 cyanocobalamin deficiency

280.9 iron-deficiency anemia

269.3 zinc deficiency

281.0 pernicious anemia

281.2 folate deficiency anemia

281.1 other B12 deficiency anemia

285.9 anemia, unspecified  


By preference, do not use *579.3 surgical malabsorption*


 Have a great weekend!

on 2/2/08 3:48 am - Wichita, KS

 Thanks Lyn. I will take this to my doctor this week!!  Looks like alot more than I have ever had tested. 

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