Valentine candy question

Cruz F.
on 2/1/08 2:38 am - Lake Jackson, TX
I am using my husband's account to ask you all this.  His surgery is on the 13th of Feb and while shopping for Valentine's Day, it was kind of hard to know what would be good to get him.  I usually get him Turtles but no eating or chocolate that day, so I found some things but wanted to ask first if it would be ok for him.  I found about 5 different kinds of sugar free candies - Wurther's, Crystal Light, Life Savers, Jolly Ranchers, etc.  Would this be ok and something he can have the day after his surgery as long as he lets it dissolve in his mouth?? If not do you have any good ideas? Thanks, Bethany
(deactivated member)
on 2/1/08 4:05 am - Cleveland Heights, OH

He probably will not be allow to have even sugar-free hard candy the day after his surgery, so you may want to make a different choice.  And I'd suggest avoiding other food-based gifts since his surgery is the day before Valentine's Day.   Perhaps a book, a CD, a DVD, movie passes, new sneakers (if he might take up walking as exercise after he's recovered), or a super-soft blanket to keep him warm while he recovers.  He's not going to be feeling great the day after his surgery, so I'd go with something simple -  Best of luck to you and your husband as his journey continues -  Kellie

Jen L
on 2/1/08 11:15 am - Central, IN

I agree with the last poster, think of something to give him that is not food related.  This surgery requires major lifelong changes for success, and part of that is learning to take the focus off of food for special occasions.  Holidays and special events should now be about people and relationships, not about the food.  It is an adjustment for everyone and this is a perfect time for you to support him in his new lifestyle. Jennifer

Robin W.
on 2/1/08 12:39 pm - Franklin, OH
I'm 4 years out and didn't even try an M & M until I was over 6 months out. And then only about 6 total little M & M's I get a lot SICKER and DUMP VERY BAD on SF candy. There is a lot of sugar alcohols in them. He'll still be in the hospital the next day and I really don't think giving any candy to a wls person on day one is a good thing.  Like another poster said think NON FOOD gifts. DVD, CD, GIFT CARDS to Sears, Target, WalMart, Kmart, GoodWill, to get new clothes in a few weeks. He will be droping sizes VERY QUICKLY and he will need a lot of new clothes.  Some sexy guy underwear/boxers to wear when he gets home.  Good Luck.  Robin

4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220 
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"  Dr. Seuss

on 2/1/08 2:42 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
No, candies are NOT Ok and the hospital likely will not let you bring them anyway. Look for something non-candy related. For this holiday & FUTURE holidays.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Brat G.
on 2/6/08 1:45 pm - KC, MO
Make him some sugar free jello and cut out hearts with a cookie cutter.
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