Started Working Out - STOPPED Losing Weight! Help!

on 1/31/08 6:53 pm - PA
I went back to my surgeon for my 3 month post op visit about a week ago, they told me I need to start going to the gym.  I also informed them of the hair loss, they said to increase my protein intake.  Ok, so I did.  However, increasing my protein intake means, more food than I was eating before.  So, now I'm eating more and working out 3x week.  Now since I started working out, I haven't lost a lb!  In fact, I think I gained a few!  I'm getting worried...  is there a reason for this?  I'm 3 months post op and have lost a total of 65 lbs already. I realize it's going to slow down, but I was losing at least a lb or two per week, now nothing?
(deactivated member)
on 1/31/08 9:56 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
It's not unusual to have stalls, especially at about 3 months out.  And your body is probably adjusting to your new routine.  Since your pouch is still relatively small, it's really unlikely that you're eating too many calories.  And working out 3x week is not going to build up any noticable muscle mass that quickly.  If you can handle it, just keep doing what you're doing and be patient.  If you follow your surgeon's food guidelines, you'll be fine.   I tended to stall every 6-8 weeks during my 4-12 month post-op period.  I'd stay in the same 2-3 pound weight range for 1-3 weeks, then I have a week or two where I lost like gangbusters.  Then back to hanging out in the same 2-3 pound range for a while.  That's just how some people lose.  The first couple times that happened, I panicked, then as it kept happening I just accepted that that's how my body works.   Keep doing the right things and the weight will come off.  Congrats on adding exercise to your routine; in my humble opinion, exercise is key to keeping the weight off long-term.   Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie
on 2/1/08 12:01 am - CT
Just wondering if during your workouts you are doing any weight lifting/strength training? It's a notorious thing to have a weight increase sometimes for up to a month after beginning a new weight lifting routine, it's truly jus****er weight and will pass. And SO good for you too as muscle burns many calories a day at rest and helps keep your metabolism on fire. It's because as you work the muscles hard it creates lots of tiny tears in them and all those tears hold on to water as they heal, all tha****er shows on the scale. Don't stop working out, I would bet anything you are losing inches even while the scale isn't moving. Also like the above poster said, stalls are pretty common at 3 mos out, you can be doing everything right and they just happen anyways and it stinks but it too will pass, hang in there and keep with your exercise!
339 / 151 / 155?   day of surgery / current weight / goal weight
190 lbs lost
View my profile to see my weekly stats.
on 2/1/08 11:00 am - PA
Thank you both very much!  I am going to keep it up, and yes I have added some muscle building exercises/machines to my workout - the trainer recommended them - so I guess he knows what he's doing LOL.  I am following the Dr.'s orders regarding intake and trying to focus mainly on lean proteins and avoid anything with sugar content over 2 grams (which can be difficult, but Im doing my best).  One more thing, I still can't change my default pic - that pic is my OLD pic - and I don't look like that anymore and desperately want to change it!! :)  Help please if anyone knows how... Thank you again.
on 2/2/08 1:06 pm - Cranston, RI


From past history DO NOT use heavy weights - you do not want to bulk your muscles up - Try to do more cardivascular and floor exersizes where you use your own resistnce - it works much better!

Best of luck! 




John J.
on 2/10/08 11:49 am - Grand Rapids, MN
Don't concentrate on the pounds, concentrate on the fat & the fit of your clothes.  Where do you feel yourself gaining it?  How do you feel?

John Johnson
WLS March 27, 2008
Starting weight 327 lbs, Current 208 Lbs (Dec 26, 2008)

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