Definitely not the easy way out!

on 1/30/08 10:16 am - Grand Prairie, TX
First post so feel free to let me know if I am in the wrong place. Had RNY on 1/24/08.  One a full liquid diet now for scheduled for 2 weeks.  I am having a really hard time getting in 64 oz of liquid a day and considering I probably drank less than 40 oz of liquid per day pre-surgery, I feel like I am drowning.  I had a hard time finding a protein drink I could stand the taste of but today I tried an Unjury chocolate with 1% milk and froze it to a slush and it was good in comparison.  But my biggest problem right now is being HUNGRY!  All the people I have talked to who had weight loss surgery said they did not have an appetite for 3-6 weeks post surgery.  I am only a week out and saw a Burger King commercial on TV and almost ran to lick the screen!  Will this get better?  If not, I probably don't want to know because it will make this weight loss attempt will look bleak.
(deactivated member)
on 1/30/08 9:49 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

This early after surgery it's likely that what you are experiencing is head hunger and not truly belly hunger.  Before surgery, I could not really distinguish between these two things, and a lot of my eating was governed by my head and not my stomach.  Part of the reason for my opinion here is your mentioning being triggered by a Burger King commercial.  To me, that's a thought-based response, not a hunger-based response.  You'll want to work on distinguishing between head hunger and belly hunger, and work on a plan for how you'll respond to head hunger.  It takes time to retrain your responses, but it can be done. 

Not to sound like a broken record, but WLS is just a tool to help you lose weight.  You will still need to work on eating healthy, drinking adequate fluids, and exercising.  You'll also need to address whatever psychological and emotional issues you may have that are related to food.  In my opinion, those things are key to long term success. 

Good luck on your continuing journey - the first few months are the toughest, but it does get better!


on 1/30/08 11:45 pm - MN
Hi I was starving the first 3 weeks of liquid, pay attention to your stomach and try to figure out of it's head hunger or stomach hunger.  I had to go on a probiotic and some other nasty stuff I had to drink before eating.  No one was really sure what was going on with me I did not have an ulcer but it seemed to help me.  Do your best on your water, it's almost impossible to drink the 64 ounces early on there isn't enough time in a day.  It gets much easier and the longer you do it the more of a habit it become.  Hope this helps somewhat. Deb
Nanci H.
on 1/31/08 6:33 am - Sacramento, CA
Hi, I had my RNY on 1/22 and I've had issues with getting the 64 oz too.  In fact I had to stay in the hospital an extra day because of it.  However, what I found to be a lifesaver was warm broth.  I have had several days where I made instant broth in 16 oz portions and just sipped it.  It relaxed my pouch and felt good as opposed to the room temp or cooler liquids that tended to spasm it.  Today I'm doing ok with some tomato soup (22 oz) and earlier I had an 8 oz protein shake and I am sipping water.   I think it just takes patience.  I hear from a lot of people to sip sip sip and really that is what it boils down to, because it's the only way to get in enough.  Hang in there, I heard it gets easier!
on 2/2/08 12:42 pm - Cranston, RI

BOY I thought that something was wrong! I had my RNY surgery on 1/09/08 and I still do not feel hungry! The shakes and the water fill me up! I thought something was wrong - I should be eating soft meats according to the list my Nutritionist gave me!  BUT like a good friend who had the surgery a few years beck told me "Listen to your body and do what it tells you that is what is is best for you!"  Another thing that I did was to put the old pictures of the thin me (from high school) on the fridge and around the house - they give me the  incentive to keep up the good work and to stay on track!  I know that it esy now and it will get harder down the road...

When I started driving after the surgery I had some difficulties passing the fast food joints and the commercials don't help either! I have made it a mind over matter thing! I tell myself "Can't eat that stuff NO MORE - it's not healthy and that's why I did this entire adventure! It is amazing how many thngs we do in every day life that revolve around food! I still am cooking super for the family and I really don't even have any desire to eat it! I sit with them and drink my shake or eat the soft foods and watch them enjoy!

So now rather than food I have learned to put my energy else where - clean, go for a walk etc. One last note carry a water bottle with you at all times - it really helps!






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