100 calorie packs and diet sodas

on 1/28/08 9:29 pm - Dallas, TX
Hello, I have been eating those 100 calorie baked chips (doritos) and some type of 100 calorie cookies that say they have less then 8grams of sugar added. Is this ok? Also I have been hearing a lot of debate on weather or not WLS(RNY) patients can have diet sodas? Can I have diet sodas? Will the carbonation in the soda cause my patch to stretch or harm me in anyway? I have never liked diet sodas but for some odd reason I now think they taste very sweet and good. 
on 1/28/08 10:32 pm
Phosphate, found in soda gets into your bloodstream and it goes looking for a partner, calcium.  It steals calcium out of your calcium bank, your bones. 


    ""Whatever you feed will grow...feed your spirit man"





on 1/29/08 12:10 am - Dallas, TX
Thanks, for the info. The RN that gave me the nutrition class said if you can handle diet caffeine free it is ok. Then I started hearing a lot of people on the RNY board saying avoid sodas at all cost. Thanks again. I am still early out and don't want to make any bad choices. You are looking great.
on 1/29/08 12:49 am
My surgeon told me this info and I found the same info on the web so try not to do it if possible.  Thank you for the compliment.  It's a work in progress.  Good luck!


    ""Whatever you feed will grow...feed your spirit man"





(deactivated member)
on 1/29/08 3:49 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Honest answer from my experience is that I'd recommend avoiding these things.  Not because they are inherently bad, but because they relate to old, bad habits that you need to kick.  Baked Doritos don't have a lot to offer in the nutrition category.  Can you find some healthier snacks that will satisfy you?  Apple?  Banana?  Yogurt?  Protein bar?  Peanut butter (in small amounts)?  Beef jerky?  Low-fat cheese?  Cottage cheese?  As for the soda, it's a trigger for a lot of folks; although it does not have sugar, it tastes sweet.  And many of us want something salty when we have something sweet.  So this can lead you down some paths best left untrodden.   I'd encourage you to make some healthier choices and avoid things that many folks would consider "junk" food.  Make choices that give your body good nourishment and work on giving up the old food demons... Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie
on 1/29/08 4:04 am - Dallas, TX
Thank you this is good advice. I will do all that I can to focus on more healthy foods. It is some what hard because they are calling my name. Before WLS I was it seems like a  million time worse when it comes to junk food. Jumk food has always been my problem. I really don't like regular food at all. I am not setting around having tons of chips and diet soda but I have now had them more then once. Thanks again.
(deactivated member)
on 1/29/08 5:13 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I had started to get into the habit of having one of the 100 calorie packs of cookies/crisps almost every afternoon.  And I was eating that in addition to my normal food plan.  It was a problem for me for a couple reasons.  First, once I ate the sweet little cookie crisps, I wanted more; simple carbs are a trigger for me.  So one pack often turned into two.  Second, I stopped losing weight and was having a hard time maintaining; my weight was going up and down in a 5 pound range and I couldn't get it to move.  When I looked back at what I was doing, I realized my little cookie packs were sneaking up on me.  100-200 extra calories every day adds up to 3000-6000 calories a month, and for me that was enough to halt my weight loss.   I also realized I was allowing old habits to creep back in, and I worked super hard to make new, healthy habits as I progressed in my surgery.  So I stepped away from the 100 calorie packs, and work on eating healthier foods instead.  I've been doing it so long now that when I want something to eat, I make healthy choices automatically.  It was a slow process, but worth it for me.  As for not liking "regular food," girlfriend, you need to work on that.  Although WLS causes restriction and malabsorption, you can still eat around your tool and wind up regaining some of what you lost.  It's not easy to retrain your palate, but it can be done.   Again, good luck on your continuing journey - may you be blessed with success!! Kellie
Brat G.
on 2/6/08 1:50 pm - KC, MO
The RN is wrong if you drink soda it will stretch your pouch the gas will expand and stretch your stomach.
on 2/7/08 12:55 pm - Dallas, TX
Yeah I have been having 1 soda a day and I have noticed a big difference in my eating. Not proud of this but before surgery soda was my biggest problem. Having that feeling again feels so great but I will have to let it go.
on 2/9/08 8:47 pm
My surgeon very specifically told me that sodas were not FORBIDDEN however - I could only drink like 3-4 oz and only have them once or twice a week TOPS - if I made sure to get everything else in. He told me that while they will make me have more gas, and while it was not healthy as an everyday item, the whole stretch the pouch thing (drinking only 3-4 oz) was a MYTH. 

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