
on 1/28/08 7:49 am - Mineral, VA
i had gastric bypass nearly 3 years ago.  have lost only 70 pounds.  it seesm as if i can eat anything and everything.  have i ruined my pouch?  the nutritional support in the beginning was terrible.  my doctor was great but the nut was worthless, in my opinion.  she did nothing to help me.  i asked specific questions but she danced around them and was no help.  i'm discouraged.  is it even possible to lose weight now?  what about the pouch test?  i don't think i have the strenght to go two whole days with just liquid.   please help me
on 1/28/08 2:44 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Your pouch may have stretched, of course we wouldn't know unless you had an evaluation of your pouch. However, even if your pouch is stretched, you should still be able to use it to help you lose weight. It is possible for you to lose weight - YOU CAN! But, it will take work on your part. Many people love the 5-day pouch test - I agree, it's very hard to follow and provides you with a very low calorie diet for 5 days. Here's what I'd suggest. Write down everything you eat on a typical day. Have you slipped into some bad eating habits lately? Are you eating an junk food, fast food, or sweets? What about your beverages? Are you drinking calories? Where can you improve on your diet? If you are unsure, you may want to try one of the on-line calorie trackers like fitday.com . How about exercise? What are your exercise habits. You are going to want to be exercising at least 5 days per week for 30 minutes each time. Choose an exercise you LIKE doing. Exercise should be enjoyable -- if you like to play basketball, then, great -- that's your exercise. Or may you like to jump rope, walk or swim. Whatever you like, make a commitment to do it! Having nutritional support is a BIG part of this surgery. It's too bad you had a unhelpful nutritionist. You may consider looking for a dietitian in your area to help guide you a little and answer your questions. You can find one in your area at www.eatright.org or OH has a database of dietitians that work with WLS clients. I think you would go under the "find a professional" tab. Or, you can always try an on-line site for dietitian services. Good luck ... I hope you find your way ...
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
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