Popcorn after RNY

Tamara D.
on 1/27/08 4:22 am - Jacksonville, FL
I remember at the pre-surgery diet class hearing that we were to stay away from popcorn after surgery, but I dont remember why. Does anyone know why?


on 1/27/08 5:16 am - CA

Two reasons I can think of 1. It has those scratchy little kernals that are often not well tolerated and can get "stuck" in your pouch. 2. This is a low calorie food, a typical munchie, not a good source of anything - most WLS people need to worry about getting their protein & fluids in, not filling up on poor nutrition foods. anyone else?

Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 1/27/08 8:33 am - Cherhill, Canada
Popcorn is on my Doctors list of things I can have.. It says to be sure it is chewed well..

on 1/27/08 8:48 am
Popcorn was on my can have list at 3 months out.  I tolerate it very well and plan around my daily intake of carbs when I want to have a few handfuls.  Contrary to popular belief there is nutritional value one of high value to us - FIBER!
Pre Surgery Weight 272
Goal 150
Current Weight 135
on 1/28/08 4:51 am - Brandon, FL
I have no problem with popcorn at all.....i think it varies from person to person. It's the last on my list just as is any "snack" food.....always go for protien first....but i eat it sometimes!
on 1/30/08 5:19 am - Milwaukee, WI

I understand this to be one of those foods that if you can tolerate it, you can have it.  Personally, there is nothing like some microwave kettle corn to satisfy that sweet/crunchy craving when it hits! Nicole

on 1/30/08 12:33 am - Boston, MA
My only problem with popcorn is that I find I can overeat it!! I have always craved salty and buttery foods, and popcorn (esp at the movies) obviously fits the bill nicely. For some reason I just never feel physically full after enjoying it... The fiber does seem to help move things along, however.  :)
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