Frozen meals??

on 1/25/08 4:57 am - CA
I was wondering if anyone knows if it's ok to eat a frozen meal? Like lean cusines or smart diet? I know it's werid to ask, but they do have alot of soduim and also have rice or some other carb???
on 1/25/08 8:18 am
IMO, I think lean cuisine has cornered the market on taste, while keeping carbs and sodium in check on most options.  They have several lo-carb options (chicken marsala, beef portabello w/ broccoli, turkey & green beans) and others that include whole grain rices and pastas which also add protein and fiber.  This early out, one meal would probably last you about 3 sittings, so as long as you concentrate on the protein first, I think you'd do fine enjoying a few each week.

on 1/25/08 11:54 am - Canton, MI
I didn't try frozen meals till about 6 months out, not that I couldn't, I just didn't.  During that 6 months I obviously cut out most processed meats that I used to live on and boy was I surprised the next morning when I woke up and my rings were just as tight as if I hadn't lost any weight!   Can you say water retention?   I am not overly fond of most frozen meals but that is me, but the Healthy Choice Steamers are marvelous!  I eat the meat then the veggies and if I am still not satisfied I will have some of the taters or rice that come with it.  But at 10 months out I still can't eat a full one and my DH is more then willing to eat what I don't, darn it.  He doesn't need it! But I digress, when I do have something that is processed or has more salt then I am used to these days,  I make sure that I also eat some iceberg lettuce or watermelon.  Those are just a couple of nature's diuretics and better for you then lasix! So pick and chose and don't do consistently and you should be fine, once you are cleared for that type of food. In my personal opinion.

Highest 360  Surgery 333 Current 168 Goal 150
BMI Highest 65.8 Current 32  Height 5'2"
Hernia Repair/TT 9.23.08

on 1/26/08 4:30 am
That's why I can really only eat LC meals...they're much less processed than your average frozen meal.  Most have no preservatives or artificial anything and they have REAL meat, not a processed meat-like substance.  But check with your doc to be on the safe side!

(deactivated member)
on 1/26/08 7:40 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I eat Lean Cuisine and Weigh****chers SmartOnes meals regularly.  They are a fast, tasty option, especially for lunch at work.  I look for meals that have less than 35 grams of carbs and try for at least 20 grams of protein.  Sodium is sometimes high, but I rarely add salt to my food and I do not eat a lot of processed foods, so having one frozen meal a day does not seem to cause me to retain water.   Various frozen meal makers offer low-carb options that have more protein and veggies, and less carbs; those meals make great choices for WLS folks.  I will often have a side of a vegetable w/ a frozen meal, since sometimes they do not have a lot of vegetables in them.  Just gives a little more variety and additional fiber.   Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie
Kathy C
on 1/26/08 8:54 am
I do!!! I eat a variety of brands. I mostly look at the grams of protein and calories. There the perfect size and with a small piece of fruit, its my dinner most nights!



Anchor cut Tummy Tuck
muscle tightening 6/20/07


on 1/27/08 9:30 am
I try to avoid overly processed foods and found that even the Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice meals contain a fair amount of sugar -- flat out high fructose corn syrup.  There are a few that are lower in sugar that I fall back on in a pinch...........just recommending watching the ingredients in the meals you choose.
Pre Surgery Weight 272
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