Oatmeal, any advise

on 1/23/08 5:27 am - Texarkana, TX
I am almost 9 months post-op. I was wondering if it was alright to eat eatmeal, or will it clump up in my pouch? I am getting tired of the same old things and wanting to change it up a little. Any help is greatly appreciated.
GOD BLESS   Cynthia
on 1/23/08 7:23 am - The beautiful state of, AL
Hi Cynthia! Oatmeal from my surgeon was allowed after the first month.  As well as grits.  Not sure if you even LIKE grits, but they are really yummy with cheese added for extra protein. :) I have been enjoying oatmeal now for the past 4 months.  It goes down really well and helps in the fiber department.  You should be able to tolerate it wonderfully!  I make mine soupier than pre-op though.  I prefer it lumpy, but didn't want to risk it getting stuck. I hope it's a nice treat for you!! Cynthia
(deactivated member)
on 1/23/08 11:01 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
I eat oatmeal almost every day, and I'm 27+ months out from surgery.  I like the Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - it has slightly more fiber and protein than the regular packets.  If you're sensitive to sugar, Quaker also makes a lower-sugar variety.  Finally, Kashi makes a Go Lean Oatmeal that has higher fiber and higher protein than regular oatmeal.   Enjoy a little change in your daily routine! Kellie
on 1/23/08 11:54 pm - Texarkana, TX
Thanks for the replys, I thought I saw something about being able to eat it but wanted to make sure. I am not a oatmeal person, but figure since I can't eat much anyway, I could choke down a couple of bites.  Thanks again for the responses.
GOD BLESS   Cynthia
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/08 12:50 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
If you don't like oatmeal, don't eat it!  Why waste calories on something you don't like???  Me, I'd rather find some things I do like so I can enjoy them :-) Do you like cold cereal?  I like Kashi Go Lean, which is a great source of protein and fiber.  I think I eat 1/2 of a normal serving to keep the calories reasonable, but it's a healthy choice with some milk and perhaps 1/2 a banana or some berries.  I also eat Kellogg's AllBran Buds; it's 70 calories with 13 grams of fiber!  Not much protein in the AllBran, but the fiber helps counteract the constipating effects of a high protein diet.  Plus you get protein if you eat it with milk, so in my book it's a good choice.  I sometimes eat the AllBran mixed in a 6 oz. container of light yogurt.   Good luck finding some different choices that you like! Kellie
on 1/24/08 5:01 am - Texarkana, TX

Thanks, I will try the Kashi Go Lean. When I bought the oatmeal I thought it had more protein that it actually does. If you can eat the whole package it does, but at this point I still can't eat it all. But I will definatelly try the cereal, maybe I can find something else I like. Thanks

GOD BLESS   Cynthia
Richard S.
on 1/25/08 2:18 am - Forsyth, IL
I do not eat oatmeal but I love rolled oats -- Home made granola in my yogurt and toasted oats in my cottage cheese. Rich
on 1/25/08 4:49 am - Texarkana, TX

Where do you find the rolled oats? I don't guess I have ever seen them.

GOD BLESS   Cynthia
Richard S.
on 1/25/08 5:08 am - Forsyth, IL
I'm sure you've seen them but just aren't used to calling them by this name.  Quaker Old Fashioned Rolled Oats with water added and cooked is traditional oatmeal from scratch.  I just make a distinction between the raw ingrediant and the cooked recipe. So many foods are pre-packaged and pre-cooked that if you used something labled "oatmeal" in some recipes they could taste nasty with the extra flavorings and sweeteners. Sorry for any confusion. Rich
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