Help, I'm gaining any tricks to restart the wt lose 4+yrs post op

on 1/21/08 10:06 am - Wildwood, FL
Hi Well I am 4+yrs post-op and have done very well initally lost 160lbs. but then gained 10% back which I was told was a norm and that was ok as everyone said I looked alittle to thin so I was ok with that but now all of a sudden I have gained 15lbs. in the last two months and that just isn't working for me.  Any suggestions on jump start my diet before this goes to far.
on 1/21/08 11:39 pm
I had gained back 40 lbs, but at the end of November 2007 I decided to kick sugar and eat LOTS of protein and more veggies and I have lost about 30 of the 40 regained.  So there is hope.  I would suggest for like 3 days to a week to cut out ALL sugar in all types of forms, and then reintroduce only whole grains.  If you are addicted to sugar, you will go through some crazy withdrawals but at the end of your first week, you will feel SOO MUCH better.  I have exercised about 2 days a week (which I know I need to bump up, big time) but for the most part, it was my diet.  I tried a low calorie diet (low fat, etc.) and it did not help as much as a lower carb one.  But that is just me. I hope this helps, and good luck!  You can do it!
on 1/22/08 7:46 pm - Wildwood, FL
Thanks for your input and I certainly will try this as I have been alittle lax on my diet and I do try the low fat things and that isn't helping. And my consumption of a normal meal is about 0 but I have gotten to tring more and more sugar items which is killing my diet so I'll appreciate the info and certainly will start trying it as of today.  I have gone through to much to be a failer at this point.  Thanks and good luck.
Suzette B.
on 2/1/08 2:08 am
I've always found writing down everything you eat and drink is a good way to get back on track. The simple act of writing improves accountability. Also, when you can see everything in black and white, it's easy to see where the extra calories are slipping in! You can do it!!
Suzette Kroll-Barancik, RD
Your Personal Nutrition Guide
on 2/6/08 6:56 am - Wildwood, FL
Well I went out and got some more of the protein shake mix which I did faithfully in the beginning and my Doc said we needed to get at least 60grams of protein a day so I am drinking right at 3shakes a day now with double scoops so I'm getting 150grams of protein a day now and so far I   haven't  seen a difference.  I sure hope this is going to work for me.  Could I be doing to much of the protein?
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