am i eating too much? not losing weight

sherrymccoy@bellsout M.
on 1/21/08 5:35 am - enville, TN

Hi, i am 4 and 1/2 months out,,,,i exersize every day (15 min of a workout and 20 min of walking)  i havent lost any weigh in a month,,,so i was wondering if maybe i am eating too much?   Today for

 B- 3/4 cup of lowfat cottage cheese and 1/2 a banana

lunch- lean cuisine frozen dinner,,chicken with green beans

snack- half a protein bar

1 whey protein drink

for supper i will have a baked chicken breast and probably 1/4 lima beans

Some days i can eat more than this,,,i am so early out that i just think this too much,,,any suggestions???

Sherry M,,,

on 1/21/08 10:04 pm - Brandon, FL
I am almost 2 years out and I don't eat that much at one sitting. I tolerate from 6-8 oz at a time at the most. I eat 3 "meals" and a couple of snacks a day. I drink alot of water, I go for protien first always..... I actually thought I was eating too much. But I don't know. I put a post up about it on my surgery date msg board. I have always looked at what everyone who had surgery when I did is doing. Have you asked anyone at the Dr office?  I hope I didn't make it worse for you! Let me know if you need anything!  Take care~ Jen
sherrymccoy@bellsout M.
on 1/21/08 10:30 pm - enville, TN
I havent asked anyone yet,,but i plan too,,i have been adding it up and i eat between 1000 and 1300 cal a day and 60 to 70 grams of protein....and i am so early out for this..I do get in all my water too..i still feel like i can eat more,,it must be head Hunger??? i just aint didnt make it any worse and thank you for being so considerate,,,i'm going to do like you and post on my surgery date board to see what the others are doing,,,then i will call the doc,s..thanks for replying

Sherry M,,,

Heather S.
on 1/22/08 4:15 am, edited 1/22/08 4:15 am - Southern, NJ
Sherry... Take it for what it's worth, but according to my nutritionists you'd be eating "too much"....I think you're a little over 4 months they'd want your protein about where you've got it but only about 500-600 calories a day.  I know there are lots of others out there with higher calorie limits...just wanted to chime in with what I've been to your surgeon or nutritionist for their program though. Heather PS I'm pretty consistantly over the calorie limit they've given me at this point and wonder the same're not alone.  (I'm usually around 600/day)  I just can't seem to figure out how to get in 60-70 grams of protein on only 400 calories and not go crazy though!  I'm losing an average of 3-4lbs/week so I don't think I'm doing anything TOO wrong.

~Hospital Discharge~Current~
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                   Height: 5'-6"  Age: 35

on 1/22/08 4:34 am - Lambertville, NJ
Hi, I am an RN and, like everyone else, tried very diet known to mankind.  I had to  study clinical nutrition as part of my training.  However, intellect and knowledge has not solved my problem. Our bodies are Stone Age bodies and built to withstand famine.  If we starve ourselves, yes exercise helps, but our bodies are still resistant to give up the fat. Repeated or yo-yo dieting is thought  to increase that resistance. That is one of many reasons exercise IS so important -so that we don't burn our muscle instead of fat  plus we keep our metabolism up. I am about four months post-op and sometimes I level out and then start losing again.  Frequently my problem is not getting enough calories in -specifically complex carbs.  Yes, water comes first and protein next ,but we have  to eat some complex carbs. I see you have green beans in there and that's great.  I don't know how you eat a breast of chicken cuz I can't even tolerate meat at all, which is common.  I've resorted to other proteins and use a LOT of protein supplementation.  As a nurse -I'd say: You need to talk with your nutritionist/dietitian and make sure you're keeping a food diary so they can get an idea of what your pattern looks like. Personally I'd say to everyone;  Beware of head hunger! Find out what you are really craving or what is bothering you and solve that problem or talk it out with a friend. Eat slowly, making sure you are listening to your pouch.  don't forget to masticate at least 25-30 times per bite -make bites smaller.  If I shoot for 40 mastications per bite I usually chew enough.  Don't forget to put the fork down between bites and use a small plate. Look at your liquids! are you drinking unnecessary calories?  Don't forget that it is possible to eat too little, this is my problem -because I get sick easily and can't tolerate much solid food. This lowers the metabolism as well as decreased nutrition. Sometimes I struggle to get 800 to 1000 calories in which forces me to resort to use more fattening healthy foods such as avacados, bananas and even organic foods with unprocessed sugars which I take VERY sparingly.  I always take vitamins with food. Hope this helps. Winnie
on 1/23/08 4:35 am - Lexington, SC
Hi Sherry, I am 2 years post op, as I remember back to 4-6 months out, I was eating about 600 calories a day max.  I definitely couldn't finish 1/2 cup of food at one time.  But everyone is different and some times a surgeon will make a person's pouch a bit bigger based on the amount of weight to lose.  (Now, with that being said, frozen dinners are mostly water, I did hear about people early on in their journeys being able to finish one of those dinners, so it's not uncommon with frozen dinners) I would definitely call your nutritionist and surgeon's office to talk to them. They will know what your caloric intake should be a day based on your surgery.   Good Luck to you and congrats on your journey! ~Shannon
on 1/23/08 8:23 am

Hi Sherry, I will be 5 months out next week.  I usually get between 700-1000 calories a day.  I also exercise about an hour a day 3-5 days a week.   Here's what I had today:  Breakfast  4 ounces of cottage Cheese with sugar free Strawberry Jam                                          Lunch        Protein shake                                           Snack        String Cheese                                          Dinner        Pork Chop (3 ounces) and peas                                          Snack         SF Jello For a total of 737 calories and 75 grams protein. Hope this helps. My nutritionist said that I was doing fine with my weight loss and to continue what I was doing because it seemed to be working.  I've lost 85 pounds.  Take care, LaVonn


Current- 155 Goal- 140 Loss- 160
sherrymccoy@bellsout M.
on 1/25/08 9:03 am - enville, TN
Thank you to everyone for replying,,everyone makes so many good points and i dont feel so alone in this,,i know i have the head hunger problem and i think i eat way too fast,,,,,i'm gonna call monday and talk to the nut,,i keep a food diary so maybe she can help me figure this out,,i am so scared of screwing this up and that it's not going to work,,,,well thanks again and i hope everyone has a good weekend   

Sherry M,,,

on 1/25/08 12:11 pm - Canton, MI
I am 10 months out and slowing down on your eating will be a very good thing to do.  Not only does that give your pouch time to let your head know you are satisfied or full ( I don't eat till full just satisfied) As for the head hunger, try this when you think you are hungry and haven't learned the difference betwee real and head hunger (I am still working on it but this works for me) Drink a full glass of water or whatever liquid that you use, that generally will do the trick. If you think you are hungry but not sure what for, it is probably head hunger (again this is how it is for me) If you feel like you just can't wait for whatever it is you want to eat outside of meal times, make yourself wait 5 min, then another 5.  Go and do something, exercise, clean a dresser drawer, get engrossed in a good book and see if the hunger goes away. I tried all of these pre-surgery and they didn't work but since then wow they do work!  Maybe they re-wired my brain while they were at it! Head Hunger may never go away but now when we are early out and not able to eat as much, is the time we should work on it. Good luck with the Nut on Monday and that is going to be a great call!

Highest 360  Surgery 333 Current 168 Goal 150
BMI Highest 65.8 Current 32  Height 5'2"
Hernia Repair/TT 9.23.08

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