Good carbs/bad carbs, good fats/bad fats

on 1/20/08 11:41 pm - MA

Could someone explain what the difference is between a healthy carb and a not so healthy carb or a healthy fat and a not so healthy fat? I have always kind of been a nutrition dummy I guess and I am really trying to learn more to better my nutrition. Could you also give me some examples of healthy carbs and fats? Thanks for any help!!


on 1/27/08 5:00 am - CA
I teach intro nutrition and spend more than a day on each of these topics.  So I will try to answer you with a little less detail :) First of all, what is a carb Let's answer that by elimination - you know what protein is (meat, eggs, etc.).  You know what fat is (oil, butter, etc.) Carbs are everything else.  Yes, everything else.  It is a huge category of food, and much maligned and misunderstood, in my opinion Carbs - sugars, starches, fiber are all made up of the same molecules - the only difference is the number of molecules and the complexity of their arrangement.  When you are looking for healthy carbs, you should look for lower sugar & higher fiber.  For instance, an apple is a better choice than apple juice - less sugar, more fiber. Fats - this again is a big category.  Fats are always part of animal based foods, we can reduce the amount by choosing to eat lean meat (cut the fat off, remove the skin, etc) or choosing to cook it in a way that will eliminate fat or not add any in (broil - don't fry or sautee).  All food labels have to have fat listed, so if you are eating packaged foods, looking for food that has less than 3 grams of fat per 100 calories is a way to be sure that you are eating less than 30% of your calories from fat (which is the definition of "low" fat).  For health reasons, look for lower 'saturated' fat and no 'trans' fats - both of which are also on the food label. On the USDA website, there is a lot more information on how to use a food label.  I hope this little primer gets you started!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

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