What/how much should I be eating?

on 1/17/08 10:55 pm - Hamilton, NJ
I am almost 11 months post op and have lost 105 pounds so far. I started at 290 and am now at 185. I'm very happy with my progress and my labs look great and things are going very well. I can tolerate anything (except too much sugar, which is why I chose RNY to begin with :) and I haven't thrown up at all except in the beginning when I wasn't chewing my food well enough. I've learned that lesson and haven't thrown up in ages.  With all of that said, my question is, how much should I be eating at this point? Is there a certain number of calories/carbs/grams of fat/protien/fiber, etc? I'm 5'5" so my BMI is 30.7 (woo hoo!!)!! I can find 1000 websites that tell me about the stages of the diet but they all seem to go up to the first stage after pureed food. Nothing seems to tell any specifics about long term stuff. I need to lose another 35-50 more pounds so I want to make sure that I'm not overeating. My husband says that with my small portion sizes, there's no way I can't be losing weight. But I've explained that my weight loss has slowed WAY down. He thinks I should be able to eat anything I want as long as my portions are as small as they are. He makes my eye twitch sometimes. Thanks for any help! Cheri :o)
on 1/17/08 11:01 pm - Hamilton, NJ
P.S. The only thing I didn't mention is that I'm not exercising at all. I know I should be and I am trying to figure out some way to incorporate it into my routine right now. I work full time during the day, teach a class at night and volunteer 2 days a week, on top of being very active at my church -- I'm there about 2 days a week. But I know how important exercise is, so I'm going to have to cut some of this out so that I can start it back up again.
on 1/19/08 10:39 am
At 12 months out, here are my guidelines from my NUT and surgeon --- Breakfast 4oz Protein 2oz Carbohydrates 2oz Fruit Lunch 4oz Protein 2oz Veggies 2oz Fruit Dinner 4oz Protein 2oz Carbohydrates 2oz Veggies 1-2 snacks a day of fruit and/or vegetables
Pre Surgery Weight 272
Goal 150
Current Weight 135
Most Active