1 Year Labs - Vitamin D is low....

Judi J.
on 2/13/08 1:54 am - MN
when I met with my surgeon in January he just said that "recent studies" suggest it and the entire bariatric practice he is part of recommend the 1,000 in addition to the multi and what is in the calcium. i know this is your profession so thought you might have seen whatever studies he is referring to. i asked him about the megadoses I see folks take on here and he wasn't overly keen on that either. That is when he told me that he personally takes 1,000 IU and for me to do that and see what the next labs bring! thanks for responding. My RD has been very patient with all of my vitamin questions too! judi
on 2/13/08 4:01 am - Costa Mesa, CA
If he ever gives you the sources of the "recent studies", I'd love to see them. I have not seen these studies, but in all honestly, 1000 IU per day does not raise any red flags. It's the super high doses I am concerned about. In addition, as long as you're being followed by a doctor who understands vitamins (many do not), then there is no concern. Believe it or not, there are many people taking 25,000 IU of vitamin D (not precribed by their doctor) and they are not being followed appropriately on those high doses. That's where one could get in to big trouble. :) I hope it works for you! Thanks for sharing!
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 1/19/08 12:02 am - AR
I was low on vitamin D going into my WLS and I was still low after my WLS. The main symptoms of low vitamin D are aches and pains in your bones. Get more sunshine.  You could start a vitamin D or you could start taking a calcium with more D in it.  I did both because I didn't want to have aches/pains if I didn't have to. 
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