1 Year Labs - Vitamin D is low....

on 1/30/08 9:42 pm - magnolia, DE
Good morning and thank you again.  I am concerned about getting to the point of aching bones and breaking bones...........isnt that what I am trying to avoid?  Isnt that when its too late?  What is the acurate testing done if not in blood work?  As usual, its seems like a damned if you do, damned if you dont situation.  I also read that I am probably not absorbing fat either.......I dont eat bad fats and still have noticed (sorry so gross) oily elimination.  I only use olive or cannola oil, no real butter, very little light mayo and flax seed fake peanut butter........again these are foods that I still do not eat much of certainly not daily. Thanks again for your help..........Yes, with kids, your brain leaves with the placenta I think! Carrie
on 1/31/08 4:47 am - Costa Mesa, CA
So I got some initial information from my orthopedic friend (I still didn't hear back from my endocrinologist friend). Here's his opinion: Since Vitamin D is not absorbed in the gut - there is NO reason why you guys should be doing anything different (in the vitamin D) that you were doing pre-op. He also states - your calcium supplement should contain adequate vitamin D (400 IU). But excessive vitamin D won't help your bones - too much may actually harm your bones. His recommendation: if you have a concern, ask your doctor to give you a referral for a bone density test. This will tell you how your bones are doing. If it's normal, then, don't take excessive vitamin D & have it re-checked in 6 months. If still normal, ignore your low vitamin D level -- the blood draw doesn't measure what's really going on with your bones. If your bone density is abnormal, then take the SAFE level of vitamin D & have your bones re checked in 6 months. ** I'll let you know what the endocrinologist has to say .... ** Regarding your "oily elimination" (what a nice way to put it, actually), do you always have it? Does it come within 30 minutes after eating fat? If so, yes, you may have some fat malabsorption issues -- which could explain the Vitamin D (it's fat soluable). but, if you are not having oily stools within 30 minutes of eating and it comes 1-2 times per day -- then you are probably absorbing some fat (which is good), but also malabsorbing some. Malabsorbing some is OK -- 100% malabsorbtion of fat is not OK --- let your doctor know about this on your next follow up too ---Will get back to you again --- and yes, I told my OB/GYN that I was upset with her because she never told me that the placenta was made of brain tissue .... !!! It must be true! :)
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 1/31/08 7:47 am - magnolia, DE
Hello Again! You are so wonderful!  Thanks for all the help and support.  I dont have bowel movements after eating.  If I am lucky, I will have one in the morning after coffee and after taking 2 senokots at bedtime.  I am not a happy person if I do not go daily and that is the only way it will happen.  I was experiencing a plateau reciently until I cut back from excercising daily to every other day and my weight is back on track (7 lbs in 10 days), which will slow down again while I get my premenstal water weight coming.  I got really excited about this recombant cycle that my hubby got me for Christmas.  I love it!  It has alot of programs that you will never get bored with.  I need to start some weight training as well dont I?  Everything up till now has been cardio with exception of isometrics for my arms.  So what is involved with a bone density test?  And how long can I go with low vit d before it can have bad reactions?  I do not hurt anywhere.  I had bad arthritis in my back before my weight loss and now that doesnt bother me unless I really pu**** really hard or lift my 90 pound dog from the back of my jeep!! (ouch!) Be very careful if you are breast feeding.  I believe that brain cells leak out of there as well!! Carrie
on 1/31/08 12:26 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Ha ha ... (on the breast feeding joke). So, looks like you're not malabsorbing too much fat. Probably some, but not an excessive amount. Weight training with cardio is excellent. It will give you more muscle (lean body mass) -- which will allow you to burn more calories throughout the day. You're next questions are tough. If you have a TRUE vitamin D deficiency (evidenced by more than just a blood draw), I don't know how long it will take before you become symptomatic. I honestly don't know and I don't even have a guess. I'll ask around again. Also, I've never had a bone density test, so I'm not 100% sure on what goes on with that either (I'll ask around). Sorry, but again, I'll have to get back to you. (Good questions, by the way).
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 1/31/08 10:07 pm - magnolia, DE
Again Thanks.  I really never wanted to see my surgeon again, but here I go.  I want his opinion at least.  Supposedly he has a competent staff (not that I was witness to that), and maybe he can give me a look in the right direction for a dr. down here.   You are a gem! Carrie
on 1/30/08 12:30 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
one of the above posters recommended an endocrinologist if your D levels remain really low. I think that's also good advice. But again, I'm going to ask my doctor friends for you ...
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 2/8/08 10:37 am
I've been reading allot on this board about vitamin D deficiency....I to have been told my vitamin D is low and to supplement......I actually have acheing bones, my legs hurt ALL the time and with the Dry D3-D5 I ordered online I have seen some improvement......how soon after supplementing do you feel a new blood test should be taken.  I know you said not to count on labs for VitD and yes I wish I could get a bone scan (insurance won't pay unless 50 years  old) so I have to wait at the moment until financially I can pay for it........in the mean time what do you suggest?

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 2/8/08 1:17 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Hi, You can use 400-600 IU of vitamin D safely. You can also try to spend more time in the sun. Your body produces vitamin D from the sun. I do not recommend the mega doses of Vitamin D. Good luck
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Judi J.
on 2/12/08 10:04 pm - MN
my surgeon recommends a D supplement of 1000 IU per day on top of what is in my calcium. he is a non-op and supplements 1000 IU of D per day himself. especially because we are in Minnesota where the sun isn't around much in the winter. so, i think your friend who suggests we don't need any supplementation may not be aware of the latest studies. just fyi. judi
on 2/13/08 1:02 am - Costa Mesa, CA
I beg to differ. After A LOT of research in the last 3 months, I found that it is not best to supplement with a mega dose. However, 1000 IU is not a mega dose. Some people are taking 25,000 IU per DAY! That is outrageous. The SAFE dose is 400-600 IU/day. That is well documented. If your surgeon suggests you take 1000 IU per day, then, of course, follow his or her advice. Has your surgeon done recent research on this issue that I may not be aware of? What are the "lastest studies" you are referring to? I'd love more information if you have it. Did your surgeon give your references? Thanks for the information. But I need scientific facts before I change my recommendations. In addition, as a Wisconsin native, living there for 23 years of my life, I've need been deficient in Vitamin D. My parents, who still live there, have never been deficient in vitamin D. Good luck.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
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